8. Gianluca's P.o.V.

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I felt her head lean slowly against my shoulder. I had my arm around her back and held her closely. If there were any doubts about my feelings before, they were now gone. I didn't want to let her go, so I stayed like this when I saw her fall asleep. But after a while Piero noticed and whispered: "Look at our sleeping beauty. I think we should go." We turned the TV off and I lied her slowly on her pillow. Ignazio covered her with a blanket and we went away silently.


The next morning I went to her room to ask her, if she would come for breakfast with us. But when I reached the door, I heard voices from inside. She was laughing and then screamed: "Oh, stop it, Ignazio!" And both laughed. I froze, but then quickly ran back to my room. So he was already there. With her. Alone. My suspisions came up again. I can't tell them.

Piero cam in and asked me if I was ready. I joined him and we sat at the table. Piero was still sleepy, so we didn't talk much. After a few minutes Ignazio and Charlie appeared. They were smiling and I looked down at my coffee.

"Good morning!", they both said and sat down.

"Guys, you should see her gallery!", Ignazio said. I looked at them and Charlie widened her eyes and smiled nervously as he continued: "She has an extra folder with our pictures. And may I add, that there are mostly photos of our sweet Gianluca!" Was this true?

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. She shook her head and covered her eyes. Then she looked at Ignazio and said sarcastically: "I'm sorry you didn't notice the other file called 'Ignazio, my one and only'." We laughed and I felt better, but still, her being alone with Ignazio made me feel sad.

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