14. Charlie's P.o.V.

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I opened Instagram and saw his new story. When I read the caption I immidiately closed it again. So he was in love. Why did he then bothered to text me? Why being so sweet to me? This little hope, that I started developing, fell appart.

I texted Ignazio: "I decided that I have to get over Gianluca. Please, if he asks about me, just tell him I'm busy and have no time to text. I need to get done with this part of my life." After I sent it, I felt a little over dramatic, but it was true.

After a while I saw Ignazio calling me. When I picked up, he looked concerned and said: "Hey, I saw your message. I thought things were getting better. Why the sudden change? Did you argue about something?"

I didn't want to tell him, that it was because of his story, as it wasn't the only reason, so I simply said: "I made myself too much hope. I need to forget him." He sighed.

"Why? What?", I asked.

"I don't know, I mean, I thought he might fall in love with you. You know, since you started texting he looks so happy. Like, really happy all the time!"

Yeah, just not because of me, I thought.

"See! Hope again!", I sighed, "My boss was planning to send someone to a conference in Belgium and I think I might ask him to take me. It'll distract me for a while."

"So you won't come next week?"

"I'm sorry. I miss you all so much, but I don't think I could handle it. I've decided. Please, don't be mad at me."

"Do what you think is right."

I quickly whiped away a tear. He looked so sad.

"Hey, don't cry. Just text me your schedule later. We'll meet when you come back."

I nodded and we said goodbye.

That evening I called my boss and he agreed to send me to Belgium. I will be staying for a week. I got the extra weekend too, because there were no other flights without transfer for earlier.

My departure was in two days.


The next day Gianluca has texted me in the morning, which made me very happy but also very sad. I replied, that I had a busy day and we didn't talk after that. Piero texted me, too, telling me, that Ignazio had explained everything to him. He wished me to have a safe journey and to call anytime.

I was so happy to have them. I knew, they were disappointed, because I had promised to visit them, but they understood that it would be hard for me and I needed this time away.


I was in Belgium. I concentrated on my work and in the evenings I went around and just relaxed. I tried to forget about my feelings and spent a lot of time with my colleagues. They didn't know about my problem, but they were a pleasant distraction for me and I felt very comfortable around them.

I still didn't know how I would be able to meet the boys. I missed Piero and Ignazio but I still had this special longing for Gianluca. We couldn't just meet without him, so I had to prepare myself to act normal when I get back.

It was actually my last official day of work. Which means, I had the weekend left, to clear my mind.

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