11. Gianluca's P.o.V.

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I opened the door again and saw Ignazio and Piero on the sofa. I stepped in and looked at them, hesitating.

Piero said: "Come here, tell us, what's wrong."

I sat down and took a deep breath: "Guys, I should have told you earlier... I think... I'm in love with Charlie."

Ignazio opened his mouth excitedly, but Piero put his hand on his arm and said: "Oh really? I thought there must be someone, why you are so disctracted. But I wanted you to tell yourself."

I nodded and looked at Ignazio: "I didn't tell you first, because I thought that you were together." His eyes widened and he giggled: "Oh, dear, you've missed the part when she told us we are like brothers to her!"

"Really?", I said and they nodded. They waited for me to talk so I continued: "But now I have heard what she said about her neighbour and... I can't do anything about it. She is so incredible. And she's taken, of course, how could I doubt it."

A tear rolled down my cheek. Ignazio cleared his throat and said: "Well, as far as I know she is not taken yet, so... maybe... eventually... You should try texting her. I promise, she will be glad to hear from you. It's quite rude for a brother not to text her, you know, so start!"

I looked down and nodded, still not knowing how to cope with all of this. "But don' tell her anything, okay? If it has to, it should come from me. Promise?"

"Promise", they assured me and I went away, tears in the eyes.


The next day I was sitting in my room and holding my phone. Should I text her? What can I tell her? Wouldn't it be awkward that I just send her a message? I mean, we haven't really talked since her departure.

I sighed and opened a chat with her. "Hello Charlie!", I typed. No, "Hi Charlie!". Sent.

I fell on my bed. My phone buzzed. Oh god, it was her! So quickly! I opened the message.

"Hey Gianluca! Nice to hear from you, how are you?"

Was she mad, that I hadn't texted her earlier? No, she was such a kind person and it sounded sweet.

I typed: "We're working again. I miss the days off." I wanted to add "with you", but it would be strange.

She replied with a sad emoji and wrote: "Feel you, I am drowning in work."

"Oh, I'm sorry to distract you!", I texted.

"No no, I'm glad you wrote me."

I didn't know what to say, so I just sent a smiley.

I saw her typing, but nothing came. Then after a while her message popped up:

"You had to leave that time we were saying goodbye, so I just wanted to tell you, I really had such a great time with you all! I hope to see you again."

I smiled and replied: "Thank you and likewise! Maybe you could visit us some day."

"Totally! After I finish these tons of work haha"


"Gianluca, I hate ending this, but my boss has already called me three times. I have to go. But we can talk later! Ciao"

"Alright, no problem, ciao!"

I couldn't stop smiling. It went... so good! She was glad, indeed. I went out of my room and saw Piero and Ignazio on the couch. They turned to me and raised their eyebrows. "Did you see Nutella or why are you shining like that?", Ignazio asked me. I laughed and fell on the sofa next to them. "I just chatted with Charlie", I smiled. They clapped on my shoulder and yelled: "Finally! And? How did it go?"

"It was nice. I mean, it was still the small talk, but it's the beginning, right? I asked her to visit us and she said she would when she had time." They smiled at me widely and I jumped up. "I am going for a run. I need to calm down." They laughed and shook their heads: "Oh, poor Romeo!"

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