5. Charlie's P.o.V.

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I was lying in my bed and reflecting the day. After remembering every beautiful second, I thought about Gianluca. How he looked very distanced. That night I decided not to think of him like a crush anymore, but just as a friend. Or more a friend of a friend, as he was clearly not interested in me. "I will talk to him tomorrow", I thought, "about basic stuff. I have to try. Just to show him, that I am not annoying and that I care about him just like about the other two." With this I mentally closed the box with my feelings for Gianluca and felt better immidiately. I fell asleep quickly.


After the breakfast I was in my room, surfing the net about interesting places nearby. There was nothing special, but the weather was so nice, I was thinking about going for a walk. Then my stationary room phone rang.

I picked up and a happy voice said: "Good morning, Charlie! What are you doing right now?" It was Ignazio and I smiled when I heard his voice.

"I'm thinking about going out. Want to join me?"

He said something in Italian and I assumed he was talking to the boys. Then he said to me: "Meet you in the hall in five minutes." I agreed and we hung up. I changed, grabbed my bag and started packing my sunglasses and my purse.

When I was coming down the last steps I saw Ignazio exiting the elevator. He looked surprised and hugged me: "You're the first girl who actually needed five minutes to get ready. How many more surprises are waiting for us?" I blushed and we went out.

"Where are we going?" he asked me.

I told him, I had found a nice park nearby and suggested eating ice cream afterwards. We had a really sweet and fun chat. He told me stories about their tours and I told him about my work and hobbies.

When we were walking back, I asked him, what he was talking about in Italian earlier.

"I asked he guys if they wanted to join us. Piero said, he wanted to try out the gym at the hotel and Gianluca went with him."

We returned right before lunch and Ignazio asked me if I would like to eat with them and I agreed.

We were going to meet in the restaurant, so after I went to my room to refresh, I didn't wait for Ignazio to pick me up and went to the stairs. I was at the floor below mine, I turned to the next stairway, when I saw Gianluca coming out of his room. My heart started to beat faster, but I forced myself to calm down. So I stopped and smiled at him.

"Hi Gianluca! Are you going to lunch?"

He reached me and stopped. "Yes", he answered, "I hope you are joining us?"

I nodded and quickly added: "If that's okay for you."

He smiled a little and said: "Totally."

He kept looking at me, so I turned red. Then I pointed at the stairs and said: "Well, then let's go, I'm hungry." We were quiet and I forgot everything I wanted to say in order to seem relaxed.

Luckily he said: "So, you went out with Ignazio?" I was relieved that we now had a topic to talk about, even if we didn't have to walk long.

So I answered: "Yes, it was great, we went to the park and then had ice cream. You guys should come with us the next time." (Was it my imagination or did he look a little sad??)

"Thanks, yeah, we probably should", he said and by then we had already reached Ignazio and Piero.

With their presence I felt suddenly much braver and calmer. So we quickly got into a conversation. We were talking about music and I remembered my night thoughts.

"I know that you listen to different types of music", I began, "Have you heard of 'Bastille'? I think you could like them, Gianluca." I sighed innerly and he looked a little surprised, but happy.

"I've heard of them, but can't remember listening. I'll definitely give them a try", he said with a smile, that I lost myself for a second.

But then Ignazio commented: "Well, if our Charlie is recommending it, then it must be something good. I mean, she listens to Il Volo and that is a sign of good taste, right?"

We laughed and the conversation went on even better, as Gianluca was now talking more. All in all it was again a wonderful day. They had things to do after lunch, so we parted and agreed to meet at dinner again.

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