12. Charlie's P.o.V.

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I have never been so distracted at work. I was so happy to hear from Gianluca! When he first texted me, I was scared, that he had found it out and wanted to talk about it, but he didn't mention it, so maybe he just suddenly remembered me.

I went home and while I was eating dinner, I called Ignazio.

"Heyyy! What's up?", he answered the phone.

"You're not going to believe this!", I started.

"Spill the tea."

"Soo, I was at work and I see a message. And guess from who?? From Gianluca!! Ahh I still can't believe it! It went so well, though I was completely freaking out. But you didn't tell him, right?" I looked seriously and Ignazio shook his head.

"We didn't. Maybe, after he had seen us talking he wanted to talk to you himself. You know, it's not like he doesn't like you, Charlie! Now you're his little sister, too! So don't worry and keep in touch with him." After a short pause he winked and added: "Maybe it'll work out."

I rolled my eyes and laughed: "You have to stop giving me hope. He is GIANLUCA GINOBLE! I can't dream of getting closer to him."

Ignazio just shrugged and then I heard piano playing. I raised my eyebrows and Ignazio stood up from the couch. He placed his finger on his lips and sneaked into the living room. He turned his phone and I saw Gianluca at the piano. His eyes were closed as he started to sing:

"After all the empty stars and beautiful illusions,

How can I be sure you're even here?

Maybe I'm too cynical to fall until it's proven

Or maybe you're my year after year..."

I kept listening and watching Gianluca. When the refrain started, I felt goosebumps from his strong voice. I have stopped eating and was just gazing at the screen.

"I'm waiting for a sign, so tell me that it's real this time..."

Ignazio came closer to the piano and started singing his verse. Gianluca opened his eyes and smiled. Then he saw me on the screen. I imagined his eyes widening for a moment. Then he smiled at me and winked, as he was still playing. After they sang the refrain together, they stopped and I applauded.

"This sounded amazing!", I complemented them.

Then Ignazio suddenly screamed: "I forgot the stove! Gianluca, take this!" And he tossed his phone to him. Gianluca and I were speechless and when he looked down at me, I chuckled nervously. His hand went trough his hair. He sat down and looked at me.

"So, Charlie! I'm sorry I haven't texted you earlier. How was your day?"

I turned my phone to the side to show him my plate with spaghetti. "The day was good and now I am having dinner."

"I hope we are going to eat, too, though I am not sure anymore as Ignazio may have burnt it..."

I grinned and my door bell rang. I rolled my eyes and said: "Sorry, don't hang up, I'll look who it is." And I went to the door, with my phone in my hands. It was the new neighbour, Fabio, again. I sighed innerly.

"Uhm, hey Fabio?", I said.

"Heyy", he greeted me, "I was just wondering. Are you free tonight?"

Why was he asking this? Did he want to take me out? I don't even know him.

"Ehm, actually no. My boyfriend's coming over. Why?"

"Oh", he said, "nevermind. Bye!"

I closed the door and looked at Gianluca. He seemed suddenly serious. "I'm sorry, this new neighbour is annoying."

"I understand", Gianluca said, "So... your boyfriend is coming today? I didn't know you had one. I'm happy for you!"

"Oh god, no! It was just an excuse for this dude to go away! I don't have a boyfriend."

"Ah, I see", he said, "But last time you said to Ignazio that you find him cute, this neighbour."

What am I supposed to say now? I didn't think he would remember this.

"Ehm... You know", I started, "First impression and stuff. But I am not interested anymore."

He nodded and smiled at me.

"That song was so beautiful!", I said to escape a silence.

"You liked it? Thanks! Would you like me to play something else?", he offered.

"I would love to!", I answered. Oh my god, was it real? Gianluca was going to sing for me?

He sat at the piano and placed the phone infront of him. "Which song do you want?"

"I don't care, just sing something you like."

He nodded and looked at the keys. Then started playing and began to sing "The best day of my life".

He was concentrated, but every now and then he kept looking at me. My heart was beating so fast! I felt every note and every word with my heart.

When he finished, I heard Ignazio saying: "Hey, you lovebirds, managed to save our dinner, so it's time."

We both turned red and laughed.

"Thank you for playing for me!", I said.

"It was my pleasure. Have a nice evening!", Gianluca answered and handed the phone back to Ignazio.

"Go, tell Piero dinner's ready", he said and Gianluca left.

"Soooooo, Charlie!! He was singing for you! How do you feel? What do you think? Ohh I swear, he is in love with you!", he started talking excitedly.

I kept laughing, still not being able to get over my happiness.

"Oh, Ignazio, this was so nice... I doubt that he loves me, I think he was just being polite but I don't care!"

"Arghgh", he exhaled, "When are you coming over? I need you guys to meet and finally confess!!"

I laughed and said: "Well, let me see. I guess at the end of the next week I should be able to get away for a day. It's still a four hours drive to yours."

He nodded and said: "Deal! You will come and everything will be amazing, I promise. By the way, did I act well? Because I certainly haven't forgotten to turn off the stove." He winked.

I yelled: "Oh, Ignazio, you're a genius!! Thank you! But if it had turned out to be awkward, I wouldn't have forgiven you this!"

We laughed and then said goodbye, as it was time for all of us to eat.

When I went to bed that night, my thoughts were at Gianluca and his tender voice.

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