Sawamura Daichi X Afro-Latinx Reader

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But I realized there's mixed raced out their so I'm probably going to do more in-depth stories. I want them to touch the readers. All of you!

I put some Spanish in this one so yay!

  "Sit still!"
You smiled and kept fidgeting. Nishinoya giggled as you interrupted Daichi from braiding your frizzy curls. He was doing everything you told him but you decided to make him worry by moving around.
  "Sorry!" You said innocently and turned back to Nishinoya. You were putting a face mask on him and he kept wiggling his nose. You smeared it on his forehead and spread it all over the place, making Hinata chuckle.
  "Don't think you're safe Mister! You're next!" You told him and he jumped.

Daichi pushed the braids he'd finished onto your shoulder to make room and started a new section.
"They look so good!" Tanaka awed.
"Because it's Daichi doing them! If you did them they'd come out all extraña/weird.."
Everybody looked at you weirdly and you gasped, realizing they didn't know what that meant.
  "Weird... Sorry!" You grinned and closed the jar of face mask. Nishinoya looked at himself in your personal mirror and smiled.
   "It tingles right?" Tanaka asked and he nodded. Hinata poked your side and asked if you smelled something.

You sniffed and quickly jumped up, running downstairs to stop the oven. You pulled a try out the over with your hands, forgetting that oven equals hot. You screamed when the burning pain set in and everybody rushed downstairs.
  "You forgot the oven mitt didn't you?" Asahi asked and you nodded. They laughed at you and Hinata ran for the spatula to take the cookies off the tray. You knew where he was going and grabbed it before he did, then smacked his fingers with it.

"No eating! They're hot and they need to set or they'll fall apart right in your hands, tonto/dummy!"
Hinata poured, but nodded. He rubbed his fingers and you looked at the cookies.
"Tobio!!" You swung the spatula at the boy, already eating a cookie. You managed to slam it against his arm a few times before Daichi took it from you. You glared at the black haired boy for him to drop the cookie and he did, but it kinda broke.

"I told you idiots they'd fall apart!" You shouted and facepalmed. Daichi kisses your cheek to make you feel better but it didn't help much.
"Can we play Mario Kart now..??" Nishinoya asked and you smiled and nodded. The two of you raced to your game console and you had to trip him to win. You stuck you tongue at him in victory and snatched the patterned controller while Nishinoya pouted and settled for the red, white and black controller.
"I call Yoshi!" Sugawara said and quickly picked the dinosaur as his character. You picked Bowser Jr. and Nishinoya picked the course.
"I hate Rainbow Road!" Hinata whined.
"But this one's pretty and cool." You reminded him and he nodded. The race began and you held onto L1 for a second and took off. Nishinoya/Luigi got a blast of gas in the face, and Sugawara and Hinata started off normal. You smiled and grabbed a mystery box. The icon twisted through its potential contents and it landed on a simple coin.
"What the hell?!" You shouted and Sugawara laughed. Hinata/Toad passed you and you sneered at him. You purposely bumped into him and it set off the bomb he was carrying in the back, making you both explode. The Mario NPC got caught in the blast and the three of you recovered and kept racing.
"Who let Yams get in the front??" Nishinoya looked at the screen and you all looked at the leaderboard. Peach was in front... Tadashi Yamaguchi. He looked at you and simply shrugged, still concentrating.
"Daichi, cookie, Yuu activate code 87.3B..." You said and Nishinoya agreed. Daichi stood up to get you a cookie and broke it into pieces to feed you. You snatched another mystery box, dived down one of the road's many holes and dropped to a awaiting planet. You got three red shells and smirked, chewed your cookie and looked to Nishinoya/Luigi. He had a blue shell.
"Go!" You ordered and he sent it off. The shell blazed past two others, sending Sugawara off the course and slamming right into Yamaguchi/Peach. You and Nishinoya sped past him and when Yams recovered you sent two red shells to him. Sugawara and the Daisy NPC sped past him and you and Noya passed the finish line. You two jumped and cheered, while the others tried to catch up.
Diddy Kong-8th
Bowser Jr.-11th

Tsukishima took Yamaguchi's controller, called him a dummy for not watching for you and Noya's plan and took over. Daichi kisses you and put you in his lap as a victory, and Sugawara and Hinata went to go get cookies.
You all continued playing, the person in the lowest place would give the controller to another person and you had to face all the third years in the end. You came out on top though, your score of constantly staying in the top 3 helped you. Sugawara was an opponent since he was in the whole game and stayed in the top 5. Asahi sucked, barely staying on the course half the time. Your boyfriend was no better, blowing himself up with his own bombs and running over his own banana peels. You took the final two cookies, putting them in ice cream to celebrate. You decided to have fun and poured chocolate fudge and whipped cream on them too. You finished you sundae as everybody argued over what show to watch and ended up falling asleep despite Hinata screaming and Nishinoya starting a pillow fight with them.

"How she fall asleep..?" Tsukishima asked and Kageyama shrugged.
"'Maybe she's used to it." Asahi wondered and they all said something about it. Daichi picked you up and carried you to your room, everybody followed behind, tucking themselves in on the floor. Daichi pulled himself next to you and you smiled.
"Ti amo...." You mumbled and he chuckled.
"I love you more.."

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