Catboy Kageyama Tobio X Arab Reader

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This is a request from @haii__kxyu and I'll say it was kinda fun writing this out! Hope you enjoy! And it's a lemon
(This is an AU where some of the boys are nekos)

You were laying on your bed, thinking of something to write for the day. It was a routine for you to write one good thing that happened to you that day and summarize all the funny things you did. But you weren't really having a good day so there wasn't much to write about. You sighed and slammed the journal shut, waking downstairs to get a snack. You reached into your pantry and grabbed the last of your favorite snacks, opening it with a grin. You munch on them, loving their taste and walked to the living room.

"Ma?!" You called upstairs. "I'm gonna go out some time later with Hinata!!"
Your mother gave a reply back and you flopped down on your couch. You switched on the tv and flicked through the many, many channels. You settled on something old and dumb you used to watch in middle school, slightly embarrassed you used to watch it, but you soon found yourself amerced in it, quoting lines and copying the characters.

You had somehow lost track of time and heard your doorbell ring. You yelled to your mother that you'd get it and opened the door to see Hinata and Kageyama.

Hinata was playing with his fingers and a bit nervous, while Kageyama had a blush tint to his cheeks.
"Y-Y/N.." Hinata began but you gasped.
"We were supposed to hang out today! I'm so sorry!"
He smiled and shrugged. "It's fine! You tend to forget little things anyways.... but um.."
He was hesitant to say it at first, but Kageyama made a whine and he spoke up. "Kageyama isn't feeling well..."

"Y/N, I gotta go! I should see you tomorrow, love you bye." You mother grabbed all her essentials, kissed you right temple and slipped past the two boys. You sighed and shouted an 'I love you' back... hoping she would be back soon
"You're sick?" You turned to Kageyama and he looked away and nodded. You told them to come inside and you grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around Kageyama and began making him some soup. (That GOOD soup, fucking Campbell's bitches)

"I thought of you because you usually know what to do when people are sick... but I'm sorry if he's a burden!" Hinata told you and you chuckled.
"You were worried about him. And I think you made the right choice coming to me, my mom is a doctor after all!" You reached to scratch his ears in his orange hair and he purred and smiled, his tail wagging and eyes closed. You giggled and poured some of the soup into a bowl. You carried it to Kageyama and set it down on the coffee table, then felt his forehead.
"Poor thing.. burning up.." You remarked and sat on the arm of the couch.

You pulled his head to you lap and he froze. "I'm not gonna do anything relax!" You giggled. You began to play with his hair to calm him down and spread it so some air would touch his scalp.
"Hinata, can you go get some Advil and cough medicine..?" You asked and he nodded and quickly ran out the door. Kageyama sat up and picked up the bowl of soup and began eating it.

"Do you know what's wrong?" He asked you and you gave a nod.
"Fever and a scratchy throat.. your pale and really warm.." you replied.
"Should I take off my hoodie?" He asked and you shrugged.
"Fuck it.." You joked and got up.
You went to your room and grabbed a thermos you kept in your bag. You dashed downstairs and put the rest of the soup into it and stuck it in the fridge. You looked back to Kageyama who was looking at you with his back turned and his hoodie off. You gasped and hid your face, embarrassed that he actually did it.

    "I was joking..!" You nervously laughed and tried you best to not look as you say on the couch.
    "But I got really hot.." He replied as his cat ears twitched. You grabbed the remote and flicked through more channels, seeing your show was over and found something new.
    "I've always wanted to watch this, but I can never find it!" You smiled and Kageyama tilted his head.
    "What's it about?" He asked and you went on for couple minutes about the idea of the show. He nodded to what you said and you two began to watch the show.

  Minutes go by and Kageyama leaned on your lap and closed his eyes. You felt your face warm up and burn, and he simply purred. You cautiously reached to put your hand in his hair, not knowing if he liked it like Sugawara and Hinata did. He didn't flinch, he actually looked to be enjoying it, so you fluffed his hair and rubbed his ears. He turned to his cheek and purred, you pinched them gently and a tiny moan came from his mouth. You both jumped up and Kageyama has a bright red face. He tried to hide it but you could still see it and you were positive you were blushing too.
    "What was that?" You asked and he stuttered a reply you couldn't understand. You decided to be brave toward the cold king and reached up to do it again and he squeaked and moaned again a little louder. You pulled your hand back and looked at him. You reached to touch his tail but he flustered out a no.

    "You're in heat... aren't you..?" You asked and he looked away and blushed, yes. "Oh my god..." You began to laugh and make fun of him since you'd never seen him in heat. You met Hinata when he was in heat, so you found it funny how he was dealing with his. He grumbled and you kept making fun of him, so he grabbed you and pulled you into his lap. You froze for a second and he leaned into your ear and but the shell of it.

"If you're gonna laugh about it, you're gonna help with it.." He growled and your breathe hitched. He pushed your hips into his lap and started slowly grinding himself into you.
You could've gotten up since his grip wasn't that firm but you didn't want to. You submitted yourself to him and he began to kiss all over your neck and cheek.

He had one hand on your thigh and on your side and was slowly trailing his hand up to your cheek and down your thigh. He reached his destination, taking the side of your face and tilting it to him so he could look at you. You saw his eyes, how much list they were holding and he pulled you into a kiss.

You didn't hesitate and kissed back, feeling his hand go for your jeans. He unbuttoned them and put his hand down your underwear. You moaned and he smirked, pulling away to kiss all over your neck once more. His fingers got to work on giving you a plethora of pleasure, feeling his fingertips brush and tease your sensitive part. You gasped and grinned your hip harder and he chuckled.
"Greedy are we?" He taunted and you gasped, feeling your nipple being pinched. He bucked his hips faster into you and you started letting our a string of moans.
"You're feeling it more than me.." He remarked and sucked on your nipple.

You felt a know in your stomach begin to form at a rapid spied and it soon exploded and it spread throughout your whole body, making you grab your shirt and clench your thighs. You caught your breathe and Kageyama pushed you down on the couch and pulled his pants down, then yours. You were still processing things and then felt his tip on your lips.

"Don't think you're the only who gets to cum.." He narrowed his eyes at you and immediately went down and sucked away at you. You gasped and groaned, trying not to be too loud since you didn't want neighbors to hear. You wrapped your lips on him and licked his tip in circles, he groaned and you got a an idea. You kept taking him in your mouth but were feeling around for his tail. You grabbed it and began to play with it. He couldn't take it.
"Ah~! Y/N, don't d-do that! Aah~~!!" He gasped and moaned out like a bottom.

You giggled and kitten licked his cock and messed with his tail. He moaned, gasped and whined from the immense pleasure, feeling his orgasm rushing to him. He bucked his hips and you felt him twitch in your mouth so you pulled him out and stroked him then pressed onto his tip. He moaned and immediately came from that, gasping and lidded eyes. You let go of his tail and you sat up and lifted up his chin.

"Go take a shower, I don't want my mom to know what we did..." You said and he nodded, stumbling to the shower down the hall. You cleaned up the cum that landed on the couch and sprayed all over the house and opened a window for extra measure. You heard a knock and opened it to see Hinata back. He had a blush on his face and he didn't look at you.
"I-I heard you two..." He mumbled and your eyes widened and you laughed. "He's in heat?"
"Yea you didn't know..?" You asked. He shook his head and walked in, setting the Advil on the counter. "I forgot the cough medicine, but he doesn't need it..."
You nodded and sat on the couch, pretending like you didn't just give a blowjob on it.

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