Iwaizumi Hajime X Arab Reader

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"You're always gaslighting me!"
"How?! Name one time."
You stared in shock and screamed. "Right now! When I asked what you were doing with that girl at the party! When you asked me why I was so close to Hajime when he's my BEST fucking friend!!"
He rolled his eyes and shrugged it off. "Just get over it, it's okay."
You shook your head. "No it's not! This is way I broke up with you! You hurt me."
He gritted his teeth and his hand whipped through the air but you stopped it.
He'd hit you a good couple times and you learned to have fast reflexes when you two argued. You squeezed his wrist until he was shouting for you to let go. You slammed it against the wall and ordered him to get out. He stormed out, smashing the lamp on the floor on his way out. You sighed and slammed your fist on the wall. You saw a couple splatters of blood but ignored it and grabbed your bag. You promised to watch Seijoh practice and tell them when they sucked or when they were doing decent. They asked you because you were brutally honest and didn't hold anything back.

"Sorry I'm late!" You shouted and Oikawa looked at you and grinned.
"It's okay! We just finished our warm ups so you didn't miss anything- what happened?"
He pointed to your hand, still bleeding and sore. You held it and shrugged it off. Mattsukawa asked if you were okay and soon the whole team was swarming you with worry. You shouted for them to stop and they jumped.
"Sorry... just," You looked at your hand and began tearing up. "Can I get a first aid kit..?"
They nodded and Kumini went to grab one for you. You walked to the bleachers and sat on the first row, then saw Iwazumi sit beside you.
"You.. you sure you're okay?"
You sighed and smiled. "...Yes."
He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "You hesitated..."
You started tearing up and shook your head to stop them from falling. "I just slammed my hand on a wall."
You paused. You didn't want to tell him you'd gotten into another argument with him and he tried to hit you.
"Was it him..? Did he hurt you again..?"
You shook your head. "We just argued and I got him out but I got mad and.. I punched the wall.."
Iwazumi took your bleeding hand and moved it around to see the wounds. Your knuckles were hurting and you busted the skin of your fingers wide out. It looked bad but nothing a couple bandages and an ice pack could help. Kumini dropped the kit beside you and smiled. You opened it and began wiping the bloody fingers, then hesitated. Iwazumi sighed and rolled his eyes, grabbing the rubbing alcohol and pouring some into a cloth, took your hand and pressed it to the wounds. You whimpered and kicked your feet like a child, complaining it hurt really bad. Iwazumi chuckled, knowing how much you were a complete baby whenever you had to clean your cuts and scrapes.
"Such a baby.." He mumbled.
You stuck your tongue out and pouted. He finished cleaning and wrapped your fingers in a bandage. He blushed and bit and quickly kissed your hand. You pulled away and chuckled, Iwazumi stood up and the team began playing again.
You watched them go through a bunch of things, power moves, quick attacks, side attacks, setter dumps, but it always amazed you about how precise and powerful Oikawa's serves were. The intense wind, along with the immense fear it struck into anyone who played or liked volleyball.

"You ready..?" You pulled your bag over your shoulder and looked to Oikawa and Iwazumi. They nodded and you three began walking home. Oikawa began talking about another girl who asked him out today. You and Iwazumi rolled your eyes, and Iwazumi socked him on his head. You held a laugh in and started walking faster. You raised your arms and twirled in a circle on one foot then did the same on your other foot, jumped on a railing, tiptoeing on it carefully.
"If you fall..." Iwazumi eyeballed you cautiously and you spun around just to show him what good balance you had.
Or thought you had.
You began tipping over to the water below but two pairs of hands grabbed you. You sighed and skipped off the railing, grabbing Iwazumi's hand. He held on to it until you walked into his house and he put you on the bed.
"Y/N. Be honest with me." He crosses his arms and lowered his head to you. "Did he hurt you..?"
You quickly realized who he meant and shook your head. "I told you. I kicked him out and got mad."
"He tried to didn't he?"
You nodded and looked at your skirt, swinging your feet.
"Why do you kept trying to talk to him!?" He groaned and threw his hands behind his head.
"I don't! He talks to me!!!" You defended.
The two of you began arguing over it and Iwazumi sighed heavily, putting his fingers on the brigade of his nose in frustration.
"I just.. don't get why you don't just... date me.. then I could protect you... always.."
You felt your chest go numb and your heart tighten for a couple seconds, then you started gasping. Iwazumi rushed to your side and you started taking deep slow breaths, then pulled off your hijab. Iwazumi immediately covered his eyes and you exhausted a chuckle, telling him he could look. He didn't though, he knew how picky you were about this thing so he didn't look.
"Look at me, Hajime."
He sighed and took a peek. "I heard what you said." You let out a giggle. "You're not good at mumbling... or did you want me to hear?"
Iwazumi grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours sweetly. You pulled away and smiled, Iwazumi began laughing and you did too.
"So... this means you like me and you confessed..?"
He nodded. "But you forgot the boyfriend part."
He kissed you again, this time lifting you up. You giggled and pulled away, linking your left hand in his and your right in his hair.
"If you're wondering, seven months. That's how long I've liked you...."
You closed your eyes and giggled, peppering his face with kisses. He slid your weight to his hands and swung you to your front. You squealed and looked up at him.
"Wait... I thought only family and spouses can look.." He said.
"Yeah, but I'm going to be marrying you, so it doesn't matter."
He chuckled and nodded.

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