Nishinoya Yuu X Black Reader

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This is a random fluff I thought of because I am in LOVE with Nishinoya.

  You were in your house with Nishinoya who was doing a different thing every fifteen minutes. You were too busy taking out your braids and watching him run around and get excited over the things in your room was really funny. You laughed when he got big eyes and pointed to something, saying how cool or lucky it was for you to have this or that.

    "When can we go out?" He asked.
You smiled at him, knowing how much he loved doing things, especially with you. "When I take out my braids..."
"But-!" He paused, a smile grew on his face and he walked to you and picked up one the last braids. "Can I help you?"
You looked at him. "You can take take out braids?"
He nodded. "Shoyo's sister taught me!"
You grinned and chuckled. You watched as he gently but quickly took out the braid he was holding. It didn't hurt, at all. He held the fake hair and grinned, showing his success.
You smiled and kissed his cheek, saying he could help you take out the rest of your braids.

The two of you spent the next fifteen minutes taking out braids and it kinda turned into a competition of who could take out the most braids, it was a tie. You put all the old fake hair into a grocery bag and threw it in the trash.

"Give me a few, I need to wash my hair now.." You called back to Nishinoya and he walked into past you and into the bathroom.
"Can I help? I mean, you're gonna be in the shower anyways.... and we both could use a shower.."
You don't know what possessed you to say yes, but you said it.
The two of you were in the shower, washing your hair. The scent of your favorite shampoo wafted around and Nishinoya's fingers were really gentle and caring as they combed through all your curls, kinks and knots. Soon your hair was detangled, soft and fluffy, so you two stepped out the shower.

"I'm ready!" You called out and dashed down the stairs as best you could with socks on. You caught yourself on the railing and giggled. Nishinoya jumped up and ran to you, taking your hand and bounding to the door. You put your shoes on and the two of you went out on your date.

(I didn't want to write out the date scenario because I don't exactly have a an idea in my head for my Rolling Thunder boy yet.... but I'm sure I will next time, sorry..)

"I win!" Nishinoya cried out and held his fists in the air, a victorious smile on his face.
"Of course you win! These aren't running shoes!" You cried out as a defense for not keeping up with your energetic boyfriend. He ran back to you and carried you inside the house. You make a little bit of protest but stopped, letting him sit you on the couch. He ran to the kitchen and you watched him look through the fridge and pick out something, then it fell. Thank god he has fast reflexes to catch it, and sighed.

"Moron.." You said and made a sign.
"Hey! Does that mean 'Moron' in sign language??" He asked with a smile. You looked at you hands and nodded. You realized you had accidentally signed to him, forgetting he wouldn't really understand it.
"Do you know anything else?" He asked and put what he had on the counter and walked to you, sitting next to you.
"You wanna learn?" You asked. He nodded and you smiled excitedly and began teaching him little words and phrases in sign language.

The whole reason you learned sign language was because it was an extra point for your high school credits, but soon your friend became deaf and you decided to actually take the class serious and learn it so you could still speak to them. You two talk all the time now, verbally, since they have a hearing aid now, and with sign language whenever you're face to face.

"So.. to say 'Ice cream' you do this?" He copied your hands and you smiled and nodded.
"Yes!" You pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you. You taught him a couple other things for fun and whenever he got them right, you'd kiss him.
"I really like kisses... as a reward.." He mumbled. You tiled your head and grinned.
"Well, how about.. when you pass a test or when I tutor you, every time you get something right, I kiss you?"
He lit up and nodded.

That's my little fluff of Nishinoya. I really liked out it came out. So if I decide to continue this, he'll get a lot of kisses!

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