Tendou Satori X Latinx Reader

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"Are you done?"
You giggled and shook your head. "No and it'll take longer if you keep moving!"
Tendo sighed and smiled. "Ok ok..."
You dipped the brush into the palette and stroked it over Tendo's eyelid. He chuckled from it tickling him, and you did it again. You brushed a few times, trying your best to blend the white into the deep purple to get a lavender color at the end. You swiped your finger into a jar of glitter and lightly tapped his cheeks, blew on them and smiled.
Tendo opened his eyes, lookin at himself in the mirror. "Not bad! Like the ombré!"
You stood on the stool and slid your fingers through his hair.
"Up or down?"
He shrugged. "Do whatever you want!"
You parted his hair and smoothed it out a bit, kissed his forehead and smiled. He made a kissy face back and laughed, you jumped down from the stool and Tendo wrapped his arms around you to scoop you up, lifting you into the air and carrying you to the bed. You screamed and laughed, ordering him to put you down but to no avail, he kept you in his arms and catapulted himself and you on the bed. You laughed and grabbed a pillow, smacking him around with it; he retaliated and took a pillow of his own and smashed it against your head. You lost your balance and fell on the bed, got back up and raised the pillow over your head. You jumped and attacked Tendo, laughing and smiling as he tried his best to fend you off. He ended up trapping you with his arms and you smiled at him, kissing him.
"I wuv you..."
Tendo smiled and put his head on yours "Love you more."
You heard the door open and saw Semi walk in.
"Hey, Tendo c'mon-." He looked around the the pillows on the floor, the makeup on the bathroom counter and the two of you on the bed. He sighed and tilted his head, a smile on his face. "We got practice, man..."
Tendo nodded and stood up, walking past Semi to go to the gym.
"You wanna come, Y/N?"
You nodded and bounced from the bed, running past Semi to latch onto Tendo. He laughed and pulled you up, giving you a piggyback all the way to the gym. You waved to the team and jumped off, running up to Goshiki.
"I want you to do really good for me! You're awesome ok?"
He nodded and you smiled at everybody else, but stuck your tongue out at Shirabu. You went to the bleachers and sat down, mostly messing with your fingers, the bottom of your skirt, but you quickly found something to do when you pulled out the clump of 'art dough' or clay.
You were mainly focused on that, twisting strings, rolling into a ball, slicing lines with your nail. You heard a really big thud and looked to see the volleyball flying past the net and smashing into the floor.
"It's a wonder those things don't pop." You crossed your arms and out your legs over another to show you were annoyed they interrupted your focus. You weren't really mad at them you simply wanted to mess with them. You held onto a roll of the clay, twisting it lightly between you fingers, too focused on Semi about to serve.

"Are you guys done....?" You whined and pointed to the windows. "It's sooooo dark!"
"We're done, we're done..."
you smiled and sat up properly, fixing your clothes and picked up your clay models. Semi looked at them and paused.
"Did you make us?"
You nodded. "I didn't have enough clay to do everybody so I did whoever did something interesting to me!" You held up a tiny Goshiki and pointed to the volleyball in his hands.
"I tried to get the hands right.. but I don't think they're accurate."
"He's looks good." Semi smiled and picked up another volleyball.
"Who else did you make?" Tendo asked and you lifted a tiny Ushijima, then a Tendo, Reon and Semi.
"They look nice. Good job, Y/N."
You smiled at Ushijima and Tendo picked up his own clay doll.
"Can I keep him? Please?" He pouted and held up the doll to his face. "He's so cute.."
"Ok ok..." you grinned. "Keep him."
Tendo smiled and kissed your forehead. Reon picked up his own doll and grinned at you.
"Can I have it?"
You giggled and nodded. Everyone took their own doll, noticing little details about them you managed to get.
"You got the hair right!" Goshiki smiled and you nodded.
"How could I not! Its just one of the amazing things about you!" You beamed and he grinned.
Tendo rushed to you, grabbing you and running around with you around the gym. You managed to get on his shoulders and he latched onto your legs and feet, squishing himself between them.
"Aren't you getting crushed?"
You looked at Shirabu and patted Tendo's head. "Thick Thighs Save Lives."
Tendo let out a cackle and Shirabu rolled his eyes.

"Bedtime story?"
You looked to Tendo and gave him a look. "It's October... you want a bedtime story?"
He nodded and reached for your hand. "You tell really good 'bedtime stories' Y/N."
You nodded; he didn't want a bedtime story, he wanted a scary story.
You sat down beside him, pulling his head into your lap.
"This story is about a spoiled boy. He got everything he wanted no matter what. One day, he went hunting with his dad and he demanded for a deer. His dad left him, went into the forest and looked for a deer. Seconds, minutes, hours went by. Finally he came back with nothing, saying he couldn't find any. The son was so mad, so he grabbed his dad's knife and pushed it right in his stomach. He tore his dad's stomach open, ripping his entrails out. He walked back home and threw the guts on the table, ordering his mother to cook them. She asked where he got them and he said that dad made them. She asked where his dad got them and he said he made them.... in his belly.
His mother was going to throw up and his grandpa was so mad. He tied his grandson to a tree, whipped his back, then poured lemon juice and rubbed hot peppers on the wounds. He threw a trash bag full of old bones from the animals they ate, and told him to run. The boy ran far into the forest, then heard barking..." you looked down at Tendo. "He saw his grandpa's dogs chasing him, and soon they caught up to him.... now he's a spirit.. El Sibon. He's nothing but walking bones, whistling at night, looking for more victims. If you hear his whistles in the night you are safe, but if not... you'll be added to his sack of bones."
You smiled and kissed Tendo's temple. "Night night!"

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