Melony Malfoy

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Its September 3rd and I'm 14. Right now I'm having freshly baked waffles with cookie dough ice cream, all made by me, with golden syrup on top! That's my favourite breakfast EVER! As per I'm eating on my own in my room because now one knows it's my birthday because they've stopped caring and if Dad sees me eating this he'll go mental saying we only eat un-healthy food for breakfast if it's a special occasion which it is! But being a loner does have it's perks I can do what I want and where without anyone noticing (that's how I made the waffles and ice-cream) and I get more time to study! 

I'm finishing packing my trunk for Hogwarts and preparing Twilights cage. I'm late going to Hogwarts because being the disgrace of the family I've mostly been home schooled then once in a while going to a public school over seas! Each school I have been to specialises in so many things so I can do wandless magic, very good with animals, and is as almost good on a broom as Viktor Krum. Mum's finally persuaded Dad to let me go to Hogwarts with my big brother so today is my first day! Professor Dumbledore is picking me up because the Hogwarts Express isn't running. 

Last week I went to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks, quills and parchment at Flourish and Blotts, robes and uniform at Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, and my owl from The Magical Menagerie. I named her Twilight because she is black and speckled with white dots like the stars. I've already got my wand which is made from elder wood, 12 and a half inches with dragon heartstring as it's core. I had to buy some broom care supplies for my Firebolt because we had run out and that's it. Mum and Dad didn't have time to send an owl to D so it will be a surprise for him to! 

 Oh, Mum's calling me so Dumbledore must be here. Did I forget to mention me and Draco hate each other with a passion? Well we do!

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