In The Tree

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"Before I came to Durmstrang, Leta was the 'popular girl' that everyone was scared of and convinced that Viktor liked her when it was clear he didn't and followed him everywhere. Then I came and Viktor couldn't stop staring at me so in one free period Leta told him of like they were together and he was cheating on her sorta thing so he walked off and basically told her to never come near him again. In spite, Leta and her gang came over to me and started bullying and picking on me. They were the group of bullies that Vik helped me with cuz he liked me not because I couldn't stand up for myself. Ever since then Leta has been jealous of me and him especially when we were dating. He got me the firebolt on our first date and the dragons were our second. I got into a fight with her which ended up in my expulsion. When I left me and Viktor both had a feeling she would somehow seduce him and get with him for revenge on me. I knew Dad will block his letters so I eventually gave up but little did I know he would come here." I finished explaining.

"So you never actually finished things." Ginny said.

"And when you two was talking last week she thought something was starting between you too and wanted to get in the way." Hermione figured.

"Exactly! Remember the group I told to stop gaping? That was Leta and her cronies who were shocked I was here. She thought that even though I never said we were dating or used words in that sense mainly because I didn't know if we were on the same page because we haven't seen each other in so long and I didn't want to scare him off." I said.

"So you do want to get back to together?" Hermione asked.

"I never said that!" I blushed.

"You might've not said it but you do! Your blushing right now at the thought of it and the way you looked and acted around him it was different. We may not have known you for that long but I can tell when someone likes a person." Ginny finished.

"I am not blushing!," I said feeling my cheeks," And how can you just tell?"

"Well I know Hermione likes my brother, that's for sure!" Ginny replied.

"What?" Hermione asked taken aback.

"Which brother?," I joked," But it is kinda obvious she likes Ron but he can't see it."

"Is it really that obvious? I mean stop ganging up on me!" Hermione slipped.

"It's fine Hermione, really." Ginny reassured.

"Anyway your not getting anymore outa me on this matter plus I have Herbology now." I told them jumping down from branch to branch.

"Haven't you heard? Next class is cancelled because it's the Triwizard Champion's first task." Hermione informed us.

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