Make Up?

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..." How did you know?" I asked wondering if he could mind read.

"I could just tell there was something going on between you two. You don't have to explain to me what's going on, I have a feeling something will do that for me." Draco replied.

With that I rushed down the stairs and grabbed my broom before flying up to meet Viktor. I shouted after him but he just flew faster so I did until finally he gave in. 

"What do you want Melony?" Viktor demanded exasperated.

"For you to listen to me that's what!" I also said exasperated.

"Well what is it then? Are you going to win me over? Are you going to persuade me to think your not a cheat? Fall for you again and get hurt once more?" He questioned steering of for another fast lap.

"Viktor Krum! You listen to me right now! Don't you dare fly of and speak to me with that attitude!," I practically screamed, " How dare you think I was cheating on you! How dare you not let me explain! You can choose whether to believe me or not but nothing is going on between me or Neville. If you came seconds before you'd see me pushing him away, slapping him then tell him I've got a boyfriend. I was sending a baby Bowtruckle to sleep then I heard a twig snap. I saw behind me a figure so unveiled it to see it was a student as he still wore his Yule Ball suit and of course it was Neville. He sat down on a rock and we talked for a bit before he started telling me that ever since we first met he had been madly in love with me. As well as he wanted to learn, the whole reason he wanted me to teach him to dance was to ask me to the Yule Ball but you came at the wrong time. Then he came closer to me and started making out with me." I explained.

"I...Umm... Mel..." Viktor stuttered processing the information.

"In that space of time I have bonded with Draco again which is nice but like I say you can choose to believe me or not. Anyway have you seen Neville because I was planning to tell him off?"

"I..I don't know what to say." Viktor finally managed to say.

"So have you seen Neville anywhere?" I asked noticing he had swerved the question.

"Umm." Viktor said looking everywhere that isn't my eyes.

"Hang on. What's that on your head?," I noticed brushing his hair away," Viktor, why is there a bruise and a scab on your forehead?"

Viktor continued to look around but particularly at the castle.

"Oh my god Viktor! What the hell have you done?" I realised following his gaze.

I shot of down into the changing rooms not caring to put my broom away properly. 

"Hey, hey. Are you alright?" Draco asked as I ran out of the stadium.

"Can't talk right now and I'm fine!" I shouted behind me.

I bolted through the courtyard where Hermione and the others were and once again they tried to ask me what's up but I was too quick. I bolted through the corridors, past the Ravenclaw Common Room, down the stairs, into the West Wing and through the Hospital Wing doors.

Melony MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now