Black Lake

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I don't know what came over me but I ran to the Lake feeling something was about to happen but I didn't know what. I got to the waters edge, sat down and cried. It felt like my tears would fill up the Black Lake which I know is absurd but I was crying so hard, it did. It thought it was hours later but only minutes when I came through and realised how silly I was being! I shouldn't be the one that is distraught Draco should be. All I said is the cold, hard truth but I remembered he has popularity to keep up and he believes boys don't cry. To get my frustration out I practiced wandless magic on stones and my scroll.

I looked back at the cluster of trees to see that everyone had gone apart from three which I guessed was Harry, Ron and Hermione but another figure was walking towards me. It wasn't Draco because this person had brown hair like mine and he was to short to be a professor, they were just a bit taller then Flitwick. They were clearly coming over to me because they hadn't stopped to go to the castle. I could tell he was a Gryffindor boy by his red robes and his facial features. He was so close I could see he had brown eyes and eyebrows to match his tousled hair, an average nose and a friendly smile that holds quite large front teeth.

"Hi," I greeted the boy as he sat beside me," I'm guessing you already know who I am."

"Hi. Everyone knows who you are! Your the transfer student who happens to be a Malfoy in Ravenclaw!" He said sweetly.

"Aren't you friends with Harry?" I asked because I still didn't know who he was.

"Yeah, I am. How did you know?" The boy asked.

"Every Gryffindor seems to be friends with him! I still didn't get your name?" I prompted.

"Oh sorry! I'm Neville Longbottom. Laugh at my name if you want." Neville said bracing for the humiliation.

"Why should I? It's just a last name your not in control of. After all I need to show you some kindness after my Aunt tortured your parents to insanity." I told him lightly on the sensitive subject.

"True. How do you do that?" Neville asked me looking at the flying stones and burning then appearing scroll.

"I can do wandless magic! I've been home schooled and every now and then gone to one of the seven magic schools. I've been to all of them now! The one in Japan sees wands only as tools so they teach wandless magic." I replied turning one of the stones to water and back again.

"Why did your parents home school you and send you away? Why not just come here?" Neville asked politely.

"I'm the disgrace to the family and it's clear I wouldn't be a Slytherin so Dad convinced Mum to do that. I personally think they sent me away because I'm a waste of time and space in their eyes but I have achieved so much and seen so many beautiful things!" I answered.

"I can see something beautiful too." Neville muttered under his breath.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Oh umm...I said what do you like to do in your spare time?" Neville recovered.

"I like to play Quidditch. I'm planning to go to try outs tomorrow actually. I like to sew and cook the muggle way because I love getting under my parents skin! I sometimes draw too," I replied stopping my magic," I am very good with animals. I practically know every single detail of all of the creatures that ever existed! I find these things comforting and calming because I can escape in different ways." 

"I know what you mean. I find plants and herbology are comforting in the same way you do Melony. I don't do as many hobbies as I liked because I live with my Grandma and there's not much to do there apart from gardening. She has a cosy little cottage with a quite large back garden. I reckon that's why I'm so scared about everything." Neville said staring into the murky waters of the Lake.

"I better head of to Divination and I've gathered you don't really care for flying so would you come to try outs? It'll nice to have a friend there! Harry and Ginny are running the Gryffindor try outs after Ravenclaw and I heard Ron is trying out for Keeper and I guess Hermione will tag along but it depends if they'll watch my try outs." I asked standing up.

"Course I'll be there!" Neville said looking thrilled.

"Well catch you later!" I called running of to the castle.

"Hey, Melony! You forgot your work!," Neville shouted after me but it was too late, " My god she is a Ravenclaw." He finished sifting through it.

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