The Elements

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Everyone was talking, drinking, dancing and all in all having a good time. The Weird Sisters finished their song and Myron Wagtail, the lead singer, said, "Now we will take any song requests or feel free to come up and sing it yourself!" 

 "How about you go up Mel!" Hermione said.

"What?" I asked.

"You've got an amazing voice! I think you should do it." Hermione prompted.

"I don't know about anyone else but I want to hear this voice." Harry agreed with everyone nodding.

"But...but Viktor...umm." I stuttered trying to think of an excuse.

"It's okay Melony, go!" Viktor reassured.

 "Fine!" I reluctantly said.

I went over to the stage and told Myron I wanted to do a song. The crowd applauded as I walked on.

"Today I'll be singing a song from a popular muggle band, Imagine Dragons. The song is called Radioactive." I announced. 

The audience went silent and lights dimmed. I purposely breathed heavily into the mic to make a fool of myself and then I started the verse. My voice started really meek and shy and slowly building up. I got to a point where a line says, 'This is it the apocalypse.' When I sung the last word I winked at Vik to signal something big before shooting my hands out to the side on 'Woah.' causing fire to shoot out to reveal Ginny and Hermione on the electric guitar. The lights went low again as the girls took to their positions and Hermione gives me her guitar. To keep the crowd entertained I was running on the spot making a clicking noise with my heels because I put the material on tap shoes on the bottom of our shoes. 

Once we had finished getting prepared I made fire shoot out again at the exact moment Ginny and I strummed the guitar and did a tuck jump and Hermione beat the drums. Our appearances had changed too. I had put charms on each other to make our hair wild and on my dress flames around the bottom but were flickering, Ginny's water around the bottom and were moving like waves and Hermione's grass, dirt and flowers and were moving to make it look like they were blowing in the wind. 

When this was revealed there was a mass hysteric of cheering, clapping, oohs and aahs. From then on I sung and played full out making a big show out of our first song. After that we played Thunder and Believer also by Imagine Dragons, Creep by Radiohead Electric and Wonderwall by Oasis, Smells Like Team Spirit by Nirvana, Bohemian Rapsody, Another One Bites The Dust,  We Will Rock You, Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen and Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes (which are all muggle bands) and so much more.

The crowd were loving it! I even saw some of the Professors singing along! They were eating out of the palm of our hands! I think I shocked a few people as well. I kept looking back at the group and Draco and their faces were a picture! Like everyone else they were joining in the choruses the second time round and jumping about but their faces held the same expression with each song. When there where woah's or echoed lines the girls sung that. I've generally never seen them this happy and pumped even when Ginny won a Quidditch match or when Hermione gets top of the class or full marks in a test. They were showing of tricks that I showed them with the plectrum and guitar and drumsticks. 

When it was the final song me and Gin did a guitar piece then Hermione did a drum piece. We waited a few moments as we finished before I spoke in the mic and said," Thankyou, thankyou. Them songs we performed are different styles of Rock which is a muggle music style for those who don't know. Next we shall perform a style called Pop."

Me and Gin put down our guitars and she shuffled up closer to me and Hermione came to my other side with her own microphone and stand. We took it in turns singing the verses and on I sung the high pitched 'Oh's' and lines which again shocked everyone. Each time I sung I tried to make it subtle but I looked dead straight at Draco as said song was This is Me from the Greatest Showman and if any muggle or witch/wizard who is studying muggle culture or muggle-born you'll know exactly what this song is about whether you watched the film or not and it sums up mine and D's relationship and my attitude towards him perfectly. I'm not sure if it was the lights and effects but I swear he blushed!

After that we sung Viva la Vida by Coldplay, Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers, Perfect by Ed Sheeran, Woman Like Me, Little Me, Secret Love Song, Sweet Melody, Salute, Happiness, Confetti, Not a Pop Song, Hair and Move by Little Mix (They're my favourite band if you haven't guessed) Mixed Signals by Robbie Williams, Shut Up and Fish, Fly and Sierra by Maddie and Tae, For Forever and My Man by Sheridan Smith, Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi, Hold Me by Tom Walker and These Days by Jess Glynne (again all muggle songs).

After the girls finished a verse in Woman Like Me a spotlight shone down on me blackening the room as I walked forward then I started to rap. There's a rap verse in the song and the other two didn't want to do it and I'm no faker so I decided to do it. I heard a few wolf-whistle but shrugged it off before getting into the element. Harry, Ron, Neville and Viktor were all at the very front enjoying every bit of it. I loved rapping! I felt like the new Niki Minaj! When I finished I joined the other two and started singing again.

We finished the series of songs and everyone applauded and cheered assuming it was the end of the show but how wrong were they. The lights stayed up and one of the members from the Weird Sisters chucked me 4 tap dancing boards. You could tell by the faint humming noise in the crowd that they were confused. Hermione passed me a violin and as I placed my head on it there was a series of hushing before the room went silent.

I played the chorus twice and on the second round the girls joined in. The song in particular was Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran and we chose this song as it has an Irishy feel to it which is how I feel and the other two feel when I play the violin. I love the violin because you feel a sense of escapism as you play like you've been transported to another place or world even. That seemed to be the case for everyone else too. People was confused as too why and what these boards were. The muggle-borns surely knew what they were because the wizarding world doesn't have this style of dance but were puzzled as to what they were for as I was stood next to them but there minds were put at rest come the next chorus because when 'my pretty little' was sung I jumped onto the boards and started tap-dancing whilst playing the violin but not as loudly or else my dancing wouldn't be heard. I could see Viktor's expression as I landed into tap and his jaw had physically dropped. We did a few more before wrapping up with a slow dance accompanied by my violin. 

The audience applauded and cheered before Myron said, "Well girls that was quite the performance if I do say so myself after all I did help plan it but back to the stars of the show! After that we need to hear your band name because by the noise the crowd loved it and we can all agree this simply can not be a one time thing!" 

"Our name is..." Gin started.

"The Elements!" We all finished.

"If it's the Elements how come there's only three?" Myron questioned.

"Air is the missing one as I'm Earth." Hermione explained.

"I'm Water." Ginny said.

"And I'm Fire." I said.

"And all of these elements needs Air to survive and each other and we created this band due to friendship and of course music but our friendship keeps us together, as one, I guess so Air is our friendship." Hermione explained.

"That and we didn't know who else to ask!" Ginny snuck in adding some humour.

"Give it up for The Elements!" Myron exclaimed prompting the audience to clap one last time.

We walked down the steps being greeted by a sea of praising people and amongst them was our dates who took our hands and helped us get through the group. That night was one of the best in my life! When the group started dispersing I saw what seemed like Draco in the dark corner smiling at me and silently applauding me.

Melony MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now