Quidditch Try-Outs

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I'm on the Quidditch Pitch warming up for try-outs. There's one last space for a Chaser so if I don't perform my best who knows when I'll be able to try again. It doesn't help that I can't see Neville anywhere! I know he's got his own life but still! For some reason everyone is staring at my broom.

"Alright then Ladies and Gents! Mount your broom and play!" Roger Davies, the captain of Ravenclaw, announced.

I walked over to my Firebolt and people still stared! They probably think Dad bought it for me like he did for Draco.

"No. My Father did not buy me this broom. I earned it un like my brother." I said to the watchers.

I was quite bored up there to be honest! No one was passing me the quaffle because I'm a Malfoy and my team was losing drastically. I was making it clear I'm not an accessory and racing after the ball or calling to my team mates but they acted like I was invisible. 

It was nearing the end of the game so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I saw the quaffle in mid air being passed to the opposition so I turned upside down and scooped it up before spinning three times to distract the players. I was on the other side of the pitch so I had  to get to the goal as soon as possible. I blocked everyone and everything out including my team because they were rubbish and focused on the three hoops. In the corner of my eye I could see a bludger about to knock me off so I shot up wards causing it to knock off the second beater. It was foggy so they struggled to see me and this was the perfect time to get some distance in. I didn't realise the fog was thinning and there were two chasers on my tail. I shook one of by going in all sorts of directions whilst spinning but the other refused to let go. I thought all hope was lost until I saw Neville in the stands cheering for me with the others behind and it came to me! I suddenly came into a steep dive. So steep in fact I was vertical and that did the job. I became aware of my situation that I only had seconds to solve. I was going that fast I couldn't stop! But my subconscious veered my broom upwards as steeply as I came down then I saw the goal. I was in line with the middle hoop. The hoop that would win it! Which it did. It happened all so fast I didn't realise I had won it until Lee Jordan (I think that's his name) told me on the mic and everyone throwing me in the air when we got to the ground.

"Well, I think we know who's got the Chaser spot!" Roger said.

"Who? Wait you mean me! I won it didn't I! Oh my GOD! " I replied and celebrated with the others.

I could see Ginny and Hermione running out to me with the others behind.

"Oh my word Melony! You were amazing!" Hermione congratulated and Harry and Ron agreed.

"I clearly have competition on my hands." Ginny joked.

"I wish you were in Gryffindor!" Two twins said in unison.

"And I have no words!" Neville declared.

"I though you were never coming! And I can't believe it either!," I said still in shock," I'm guessing your Ron's brothers."

"Yeah, I'm George Weasley." Said George.

"And I'm Fred Weasley." Said Fred. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Melony Malfoy but you can call me Mel." I said.

"Why just us?" Asked George.

"Well anyone can really! I've only known these people for less than a day!" I told him.

"And look everyone! It's Durmstrang school!" Lee said on the inter com.

A sea of people ran out of the stands to greet the ship.

"Wait Durmstrang? Viktor must be here!" I remembered and became apart of the sea.

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