Siblings Again

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I'm late for school because I wept myself to sleep last night and only had 2 hours shut eye and now I've overslept. I had to throw up a bun and chuck on my robes, quickly check classes and my quill and books before I had to rush to class. Only when I sat down last night's events came flooding back. I felt slightly sick thinking about it. I was surprised I didn't get any detentions as I kept nodding of. 

In my free period I couldn't face Hermione, Ginny and the others because I know Viktor and Neville will be amongst them so I went into my tree. I used my time wisely with homework and reading because I've seem to have misplaced my finished essays but people kept on interrupting me so I put a charm around the oak letting no one in. A few moments later someone broke the charm.

"Who's there? What do you want? Go away!" I demanded knowing exactly who it is. 

"You know who it is Mel. What's up? Why are you blocking out your friends?" The person asked.

"Why do you care about my life all of a sudden?" I sulked.

"I care because I know something bad has happened and I know as your hair is never messy, there's never wrinkles in your uniform, you never fall asleep in class and you never ignore your friends plus your my sister." Draco explained grunting as he climbed up.

"Me being your sister never stopped you for never being there for me." I said ignoring his sincerity.

"I was a fool then and I realise that now and I want to do better, I want to be your brother." Draco said hoisting himself next to me.

"I'm surprised you remembered the counter charm for our spell." I said smirking.

"How could I we made it ourselves! I can see why your a Ravenclaw." Draco commented laughing.

"What! I'm just getting a head start. Plus I'll get better grades than you at the end of the day. Even though Mum and Dad won't care." I finished solemnly.

"Well I care. I always have Mel! Your just filled with too much spite to see that," My older sibling replied," And I want to change that. I want you to tell me everything I missed then tell me what's wrong."

And I did. I told him every single detail I could remember since the day our family fell apart. I mainly skipped the home-schooling because the other 11 schools is way more interesting. I lingered the most on Durmstrang and Viktor nor did I race on the other magical schools. I slouched on the tree trunk thinking about all the good times I have had. I realised how long I had been blabbing on and prompted Draco to tell me what's been going on for him but he refused and somehow managed to coax me to come down from the tree.

 I don't give in to many people but D is one of the very few including Viktor. As we walked around the grounds I could feel the stares burning holes in my head but for once I didn't care. In my peripheral vision I saw Gin, Hermione, Harry and Ron talking in the courtyard and when we strolled by I saw Gin and Harry try to come to me but Hermione stopped them seeing that me and Draco were having  bonding time. I gathered that Ginny was coming to talk and check up on me and Harry to beat up, physically and verbally, Draco for some unknown reason.

It was almost as I had travelled back in time to the shared room me and Draco had with one side messy and cluttered and the other all neat and organised. For a second I swore that I had pigtails in my hair and my brother had jam smeared on his face with toast crumbs on his clothes. I smiled wishing we had more of that time. There are few moments I treasure dearly and this was one of them, with Draco's arm wrapped around my torso me reminiscing on memories and him proudly listening to my achievements, abilities, and chaotic adventures. 

This is truly more than I ever wanted, to Draco to be my brother again, to have my family fixed even if it was only a little part, for Draco to listen and be proud of me. At some point we had arrived at the quidditch pitch and sat down in the stands. I then realised why when I saw someone angrily, flying about, visibly upset, livid and confused. I have no idea how my brother knew but I guess it's a sibling thing. It was Viktor...      

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