The Yule Ball

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The great, oak doors of the Great Hall were flung open to reveal not the long house tables and enchanted candles but a ballroom filled with music, poufy dresses and smart suits and dying laughter and chatter as everyone looked at the Champions and their dates. Amongst the crowd I could see Ginny and Neville, George and Alicia Spinet, Ron and Padma Patil (I think that's the right one), Draco and Pansy Parkinson, and finally Fred with Hermione. Wait what! That's why she smirked at Fred's name! But I thought she wanted to go with Ron? I'll ask her later on her own. I walked down some stone steps that had magically appeared from nowhere smiling as my friends stared at me and Viktor in awe. In sync Harry, Cedric, Viktor and Fleurs date turned to their partner and asked, "May I have my first dance with you." Or something like that. Viktor said this whilst offering his hand and as I slipped mine into his he leant down and kissed it not taking his eyes of me.

The music changed to a more ballroom tune while with ease I took hold with Viktor and of I went. As we went by I saw Harry was fumbling with Parvati and I tried hard not to giggle. Each corner we turned I leaned my head out before looking back into his hazel brown eyes. I could somehow predict when he was about to spin me so it wouldn't look messy. When we passed the Durmstrang boys I could hear wolf whistles and 'You've got a good one there mate' in Bulgarian. It didn't help that Viktor was influencing them by moving his hand further and further down my waist. It felt like I was dancing for days before the first couple took to the floor and it took me by surprise to see that it was Neville who had plucked up the courage to dance. Out the corner of my eye I watched Gin and Neville to see if he had remembered what I had taught him and he has. He's even leading her around the room too. I felt like a proud Mother watching her child take their first steps.

More and more couples joined after that and almost the whole room was dancing apart from Filch, Snape and a few lonely students with no dates. At last the music ended and Viktor went of to get us drinks and I told him I was going to be near Hermione and Gin. When I got there the boys complimented my dress and the twins told me to give a spin. Behind me Leta lurked passed hissing "I thought you only spun for Krum. Were not cheating are we? That's why I was always better for him." With emphasis on the last 'I'. I ignored her and carried on talking to the group. At a point I pulled Hermione to the side to talk to her.

"What's with Fred? I thought you only had eyes for Ron." I asked.

"I do but I knew he was never going to ask me no matter how hard I hoped so Fred took pity on me because I was visibly sad closer to the Ball and he asked me." Hermione answered.

"You always came across to me as a strong, clever, determined woman not someone who would settle for a pity party." I replied.

"You really think I'm all that? And yes I wouldn't normally settle for a pity party and I had to think a lot about it but I figured at least I wont be going alone and he's someone I know and get along with. He's not some guy that would take advantage of my dismay," Hermione explained," Plus he already said that he wanted to go as friends not anything more. I have already told Gin this." 

"Good point." I said.

Where we left the group we heard an argument. I looked over to see it was Ron and Fred fighting. Instantly me and Hermione went over knowing exactly what it was about. Fred had a different look in his eye and was getting angry so I ran in between the brothers just before Fred could throw a punch at Ron. George helped me move his twin away and calm him down. I could hear Hermione shouting at Ron.

"How dare you Ronald Weasley! I cannot believe how blind you can be! Just because me and your brother have come together doesn't mean we are a thing! He was being kind and took pity on me because a certain someone hadn't had the guts to ask me and it isn't hard to guess who that someone is! You almost got into a fight with him too! No offence Padma but asking her doesn't make you look good meaning it looks like you don't care! And before you say you wasn't going to ask me that's a plain lie because to the run up to the ball your body language was different but it was clear you wanted to ask me!" Hermione finished walking of to the closest corner with a now calmed Fred going after her.

I didn't go with them because over at the refreshments table I could see Leta cosying up with Viktor. Thankfully, Viktor wasn't acting upon anything and keeping his distance but he was very uncomfortable and struggling to get away so I decided to swoop in.

"I was wondering where you had got to!" I said taking a drink from Viktor's hand.

"I was just coming over actually. I stalled because I was struggling to see you in the crowd." Viktor replied taking a sigh of relief.

"That's the problem with party's I guess!" I fake chuckled.

"We better go then before the crowd hides everyone." Viktor said taking my hand then walking off.

"Thanks Mel. If you didn't save me like you did I can't bear to think what would happen!" Viktor thanked when we were at a safe distance.

"I could tell you were struggling to move so I decided to help out." I said as we came to the group.

"The happy couple has arrived." Harry announced.

"Couple?" I questioned.

"Well I just assumed." Harry said feeling awkward now.

"We technically never finished things." Viktor thought smiling down at me.

"So I guess you assumed right Harry." I made up then kissed Vik on the cheek.

"Finished things?" Neville inquired.

"We dated back in Durmstrang that's why me and Leta, the girl I fought with, have bad blood but we technically have still been together when Viktor arrived because we never finished things." I explained.

"Where's Ron and Hermione?" Viktor asked.

"They were in a fight about who they both took here and they both walked off to have a breather." Padma clarified.

"Fred almost punched Ron. I got really scared for a moment because have six other siblings does spark arguments but I have never seen Fred that angry and start a physical fight." George recollected.

"I wonder why he was so angry because Hermione told me that he said to go as friends and nothing more." I wondered.

"I know him better than anyone here and even I don't know!" George exclaimed.

"It's a mystery!" Ginny concluded.


Melony MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now