The Greenhouse

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It's a few weeks since me and Vik figured out the clue and it's tomorrow the second task is being taken place. I was walking by the Greenhouses when I saw Neville in one of them so I went to see what he was doing.

"Knock, knock! What are you up to Neville?" I asked declaring myself.

"Oh good it's only you Mel! I don't want Professor Sprout to catch me in here! I've worked out what the clue is, well a little bit at least, so I came in here in search of some Gillyweed for Harry to use." Neville explained looking in the drawers.

"Good idea! You know it's probably in Snape's supply closet because it's used as a potion ingredient." I told him looking in the plant pots.

"Thanks for the help and I know it's more than likely to be there but I don't want to get caught, especially by Snape. Getting caught is one thing but by Snape is a whole nother lever!" He said shuddering at the thought of it.

"You really are scared of Snape aren't you. Like all bullies he has a reason for his hate and is just a scared or damaged little boy inside. I had to learn that some time ago to defeat my enemies." I said.

"I wish I was brave and fearless as you Melony that would help me a lot. How do you use stuff against your enemies?" Neville asked.

"There's two types of bullies, the first is the person that takes out their anger about something in their life onto less vulnerable ones. You go about them by doing the research and tell them you know what's going on but did I do anything wrong? No. So lets sit down and apologise to the ones you have hurt. The second are plain mean people. You go about them by again doing the research and when they pick on you slowly give out information about them eventually their cronies will realise the bully isn't what they seem and walk away resulting in the ring leaders ego to be lost and motivation to bully is gone," I finished," And you are brave Neville but it's yet to show. You just gotta be patient."

"Thanks Mel. I know your just saying that because your my friend though," Neville said, "Umm Mel has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball yet?" 

"No not yet. Has anyone asked you?" I replied.

"Me neither. I was just wondering because I have no idea how to dance and wondering if you could teach me?" Neville asked.

"Sure I can! I'll just teach you the basic two, ballroom and slow dance. For ballroom put your hand up here with mine then put your other hand on my waist and I'll put mine on your shoulder. Remember to keep good posture." I could feel him hesitating on my waist," It's fine Neville just put your hand there."

"Can we do it outside perhaps? I don't think the Gillyweed is here and I'll just tell Harry about it plus we have more room out there." Neville suggested backing away quickly.

"Yeah," I agreed," Remember the hold and posture, nicely done. Depending on how big your partners skirt is when it moves depends on how close you'll be but the skirt will push you away so don't worry about that. Now copy how I move."

Someone wolf whistled somewhere which made Neville tense up.

"Ignore them and don't take your eyes of your partner. Every now and then spin your date. Very good. I'm surprised you haven't stepped on my toes yet!" I smiled.

"Thanks! I think I've mastered that and I'm pretty sure how to slow dance." Neville said.

"Well if your sure, this is how you finish. Stand in hold while taking your hand of my waist and I'll take my hand of your shoulder. Keep holding my other hand but extend whilst you bow like so and hold hands like this as you walk of the dance floor." I showed.

There was a clap behind us.

"Bravo! Bravo! You two executed that perfectly!" Viktor praised.

"You watched us?" Neville asked turning shy again

"Oh yeah and you didn't miss a beat!" Viktor exclaimed.

"A beat? But there was no music." Neville said puzzled.

"Music or no music it's the same beat in ballroom. 1,2,3,3,1,2,3,3. If you remember that you'll stay in time." I told him.

"So uhm are you two going to the Ball together?" Viktor asked shuffling on the spot.

 "No actually. No ones asked either of us yet and vis versa. Neville asked me to teach him hoe to dance because he didn't know." I explained.

"Well that was very good for a first timer! I haven't got a date yet either." Viktor said.

"Oh thankyou!" Neville replied.

"I must've put Leta in her place then because I thought she would've asked you by now." I said.

"I thought that too." Viktor agreed.

I glanced at my watch and saw the time.

"Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late for Quidditch and don't forget to tell Harry about the Gillyweed!" I reminded him before sprinting to the pitch.

Melony MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now