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Hey guys! This ones abit of a fun/cute chapter, enjoy!

Two weeks had passed, it had been a day past their second obgyn visit and everything was still okay with the baby. Jay sometimes worried about Erin, she wouldn't really talk about being pregnant like she did when she was pregnant with Jake but he didn't question it, this was just her way of dealing with it. She wasn't upset or shutting him out or anything so he told himself to just let it go and she would accept it when she knew it felt okay too.

Lily had been in her big girl bed for just over a week now, let's just say many nights out of that time she'd be up and making a visit into her parents room at any hour in the morning. It worried Jay more then it did Erin, she just kept telling him that all they can do is get up and put her back to bed and praise her when she stays there. And she knew that if she stayed there all night she'd get a treat the next day. Erin didn't like the thought of bribing their daughter but she was the one doing reasonable hours unlike Jay.

Jay had been working crazy hours these last couple weeks, he had no idea why. Apparently every single criminal just wanted to get caught at the same time apparently. But he loved his job so he always just pushed through. But he also loved his girls and he especially loved interrupted sleep, even though he could never be upset with Lily sometimes but after night after night, all he wanted was to go to sleep and wake up uninterrupted. But who was he kidding? This was the joy of having children and he wouldn't give it up for anything.

Since he was up earlier then usual after putting Lily back in her own bed once again Jay decided to double up on working out this morning, so he got Zeus and went for an extra long jog.

Erin woke up to Lily poking her arm, "Mummy?"

She groggily wiped her eyes as she looked at the clock, noticing it was her actual wake up time, "Yes sweetheart?"

"Daddy and Zeze aren't here." Zeze being the nickname she'd given to Zeus.

Erin looked to Jays bedside table and noticed he had written a note or anything, maybe he left one on the kitchen counter. She sat up and smiled at her daughter inviting her for a quick morning cuddle, "How about a quick cuddle and then we will go find out where they are hm?"

"Okay mummy." Lily said cuddling her mum.

After a few minutes Lily of course started to fidget and wanted to get up and begin her day, but first she wanted to know where the other members of the family were, "Let's go get some breakfast and I will call daddy."

Erin carried Lily out to the kitchen and sat her in her high chair, serving her some fruit Jay had already cut up out of the fridge and her usual oatmeal.

She then proceeded to look around for some type of note but frowned when she couldn't find one, which was unusual, no matter where he went and how long he'd be he always left a note for her.

She went back to their bedroom quickly to grab her phone, quickly dialling his number. She assumed he was out with Zeus on a run but he was always usually back by now.

"Hello, you've reached Detective Jay Halstead, please leave me a message and I will get back to you."

This caused her to frown even more, maybe he did go for a run but then something happened. Why wouldn't he answer his phone? He was always making sure it was charged because his one pet hate was when someone's phone went flat.

She suddenly smiled when she heard her phone ringing and she looked at the caller ID.

"You had me worried for a sec."

"Good morning to you too. I just tried ringing but it went straight to message bank, I'm assuming you were trying to ring me aswell?"


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