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Jay was woken up by Erin's soft kisses over his lips and cheeks and quiet moaning which then made him realise she was sound asleep so when he started kissing her back she woke awake, a little confused and quietly mumbling as she rolled onto her back suddenly, "Oh hi, hi, hi, how are you?"

Jay smirked as he rubbed his hand over his face, "Hey, yeah I'm good. I was asleep and then you started kissing me and I'm pretty sure you were asleep."

She bought he hand up to her forehead and rubbed it embarrassingly, "Mmhm, I was asleep."

"Oh a sex dream." Jay said rolling over to lean against her and began to kiss her neck but she let out a somewhat uncomfortable moan.

"Uh no just a dream." She said as she pushed off the covers and sat up out of bed.

Jay frowned as he sat there utterly confused, "What are you doing."

"Just feel like having a walk around."

Before she could walk any further Jay moved to the end of the bed and grabbed her hand, "Wait, nope, nope. I was asleep, you start kissing me, now I'm in a place where I'd like you to start kissing me."

Erin looked down to see just what he was referencing to before he quickly pulled her closer and began kissing her again, but before it deepened she pulled back awkwardly and grabbed her towel before pointing to their ensuite, "I'm just going to have a shower."

Jay sat on the bed utterly confused and his wife walked off awkwardly. Little did he know, yes she was having a sex dream but it wasn't a sex dream about him.


It had been a long day in the bullpen and Jay could tell Erin was being awkward with him but he was unsure as to why. But he left it, he wasn't going to poke a pregnant lady with wild hormones.

Erin met up with Kim and Natalie for breakfast before heading into work, "Ladies, how are we?"

The looked at each other then back at Erin confused, "Good Erin and you?"

"Confused." She said defeated as she sat down.

"Confused?" Kim asked herself now confused.

"Did either of you have sex dreams when you were pregnant? Because I never had them with Lily..."

"But your having them now?" Natalie said cutting her off, now very interested.

"Mmhm." Erin nodded quietly as the waitress handed them some menus.

"I had multiple and half the time it wasn't even with Adam it was random guys I had maybe seen at the grocery store that day." Kim shrugged.

"Oh so it is a thing!" Erin said happily.

"So this is what it's about, you had a sex dream but it wasn't with Jay?" Natalie asked, once again Erin nodded, "Don't stress about that, it's completely normal, your hormones are all over the place, how far along are you now?"

"Six months." Erin smiled as she rubbed her growing belly.

"Then it only makes sense that your having sexy dreams." Kim and Nat chuckled.

"Yeah but...when there not with Jay I feel guilty and I don't want to do anything when every inch of my body is urging me too."

"Just tell him, I bet he would think it's funny." Kim shrugged.

"Hmm. I don't know, Jay doesn't deal well with the thought of other men and his wife."

"Yeah but it's a little different, it's not like your doing anything. Trust me when I told Adam he just shrugged it off like nothing and laughed, said it's not like I'd see these guys again and want something to happen." Kim explained.

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