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After Jay left Hanks, he didn't exactly know how to feel, he didn't get the rush of emotions he thought he would, of course he felt a tiny bit of the love he had for her but he was too focused on his baby she carried. He was angry that she didn't tell him sooner and sad that he missed so much, the first ultrasound, the first time she noticed her baby bump, the first time the baby kicked but he wasn't going to miss out on the last month of this and he was going to make sure that he'd be there at the end and every day after, he wanted to be everything his father wasn't.

He wasn't ready to tell any body yet but he needed to talk to someone, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, stopping at Will. He dialled and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Jay, what's going on?"

"Seriously, you knew Erin was in town and pregnant and you didn't think it was a good idea to tell me?"

"When did you find out?"

"About half an hour ago, I have been driving around trying to wrap my head around it."

"I'm about to finish work, I have been on night shift. Do you want to meet up for lunch?"

"I don't know if I can eat but I will meet you at the cafe near Med."

"Righto, see you soon."

Jay sat in the cafe and waited for his brother, for some reason every person he saw was either a woman breastfeeding, a woman with a young child or children, a dad running around with his son or holding his daughter in his arms, he never really noticed people like this before until now, this was going to be him, his new normal.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Will sat down in front of him, he stayed silent while Will ordered from the waitress, Jay just a coffee, he couldn't stomach food at the moment not with all this going on.

"So, how you feeling?" Will asked, already knowing the answer from Jays face expression, he was pissed.

"How the hell do you think I'm feeling? Why the hell didn't you give me a heads up?" Jay said furiously, trying to stay quiet he didn't want to gain attention from any unwanted eyes.

"When I saw her the first thing I wanted to do was ring but she assured me she wasn't going to wait to tell you, she wanted you to hear from her not second hand, I had to respect that. I'm sorry." Will shrugged.

"I'm your brother, you should of said something."

"Well here we are now, so get over it," Jay rolled his eyes then looked out the window, "So a kid huh?"

"Yeah, pretty crazy." Jay said with a slight smile.

"Jay I know this is a lot and you want to be angry at her but your allowed to be happy, your going to be a father."

"I guess your right, I just don't want to stuff up but, how am I suppose to raise a kid with a job like mine." Jay said being down on himself, he hadn't really thought about it in so much depth.

"A lot of people manage with raising kids in your career Jay, it's going to be fine and of course I will be there for you, I mean I'm getting a niece or nephew." Will smiled.

"Yeah your right, just don't let me turn out like dad, no kid deserves that."

"You won't be like him, are you going to tell him? I mean you have to eventually."

Jay shook his head, "I will tell him when the time is right, but that's my choice not yours so keep your mouth shut."

Will raised his arms in defence, not saying at word.

"I let it slip that I was going to propose to her." Jay said as he sipped on his coffee.

Will nearly choked on his drink, "What? How did she take that."

"You were right, she said she didn't need saving in so many words, so am I glad I didn't say anything? Sure maybe it would have been a horrible rejection but maybe it would have given her a reason to stay." Jay shrugged.

"Maybe, but Jay that's in the past, you gotta move on. Think about your kid, you and Erin have to find a way to make it work."

"Yeah maybe."

"So is she going to stay in Chicago? I mean when I saw her she didn't exactly have the luggage to stay."

"She said she will most likely have the baby here because she can't fly anywhere now, she has things in New York for the baby so I was hoping you'd come with me this weekend to pick it all up."

"I wouldn't love anything more then to sit in a car for 12 hours with my brother." Jay rolled his eyes as Will chuckled.

"So yes then?" Will nodded, "I asked her to move in with me, until she figures out what she's doing."

"Do you really think that's a smart idea?" Will said shocked, this was not something Jay should be rushing back into not when there's a kid involved.

"Well she was planning on staying with Hank and I don't know how comfortable I would feel being there when the baby comes, not constantly anyway and I don't want to miss out on anything else."

"Just don't rush into it Jay, it was hard enough getting over her the first time, if she decides to move back with the baby after a couple months you have to remember how your going to feel, it will make it worse if you are living with her and she just gets up and leaves."

"That's maybe why I want her too, I want her to see that we can make things work together, that we both need each other in our lives." Jay said, he didn't need a lecture from his brother.

"You can't force things Jay."

"I know, but I still love her, I never stopped."

Will smiled, "I know, but remember you can't just think about you and her anymore."

"Yeah I know," Jay sighed, "I really didn't think this was on the cards anytime soon, I can't believe I'm going to be a dad."

"It's not a horrible thing, to be honest you'd probably push it back saying you don't have time for that and before you know it, it's too late, so maybe this is a blessing in disguise." Will smiled.

"God I hope it's not a boy, I don't know if I can handle if it's another me or you." Jay chuckled.

"But you could handle if you had a daughter and she wanted to start dating at 15?" Will smiled when Jay frowned.

"Oh god, this is so surreal."

"Welcome to parenthood bro." Will smiled as he reached over an patted Jays arm.

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