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After three long weeks Jay's shoulder finally started to feel somewhat better, he'd been going to rehab twice a week to work on it and he was definitely seeing and feeling an improvement. The first week at home was tough on all of them. Jay tried to help Erin with Lily every chance he had but she we shut him down and say he needed rest, but what he needed was for her to let him back in, but he knew that it was going to take time.

The second week she started to open up to him and let him start helping out more, of course being extremely cautious around him. But as much as she was pissed she didn't want it to effect Lily, she had to let him back in so it wouldn't effect his and Lily's relationship. So Jay learnt to do things one handed, changing diapers, putting clothes on and bathing Lily wasn't the easiest but he always tried to manage even if Erin took over half way through.

And the third week was were Erin finally lost it at Jay fully, letting all her emotions out. The fact that she thought he cheated, how she thought they meant nothing to him, how she blamed him for not being able to breastfeed anymore and blamed him for all this stress. He just stood there and took it, took the yelling, the pushing, everything. But maybe because she had now let all her emotions out she could finally move past this, for real.

Jay was sleeping in the guest room, he had been since he got back from the hospital because Erin wanted him to rest, not be woken up at all hours of the nights by lily crying over the baby monitor. But all he thought was that Erin wanted to put space between him and her, could he blame her?

Jay had gotten up extra early, he went down to the gym in their apartment to do a light workout. Even though he was meant to be doing nothing he couldn't just sit there each morning and do nothing, that wasn't what he was use to. After he got back it was still early, Lily still usually slept for an hour until she woke up but when he passed his and Erins room he could hear faint cries over the monitor. She must have just started crying because Erin was usually a light sleeper and would wake up straight away.

He made his way slowly into Lily's nursery, she was throwing her arms around and kicking her legs in the air letting out quiet sobs.

"Morning baby girl, how are you this morning?" Jay cooed as he picked her up out of her crib and walked over to change her.

"It will be good once I get my other arm back then it might be a little easy to change you, yes it would, yes it would," Jay said as he pulled faces at his daughter, "Okay little miss, all done. What do you think now? You want a bottle?"

Jay lifted the little girl against his chest as they made there way out to the living room, as he only had one hand he put her in her bouncer that sat on the floor so he could prepare her bottle.

While he was getting it ready Lily started to get fussy, Jay tried to keep her amused by pulling faces from over the kitchen counter but once she dropped her bottom lip he knew it wasn't working. Then she started crying again he ran over to her and picked her up, "Hey it's okay, but you gotta keep quiet so we don't wake up mummy."

"Too late," Erin said walking out of the bedroom, "Here I will take her."

"Er I got it, it's okay. Just grab the bottle?" He asked as he walked around trying to get Lily to calm down.

Erin rolled her eyes and walked over to the bottle that was sitting in a bowl of hot water, she pulled it out and tested it. Once she was happy she walked back over to Jay and their crying baby, "Here just let me take her?"

"Fine okay." Jay said bluntly as he passed her over to Erin and walked into the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

Erin sighed as she started feeding Lily, once lily knew she was getting fed she stopped crying and started sucking on the bottle, "Woah take it easy Lil."


After about half hour Jay walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He looked towards the couch and saw Erin holding Lily, he smiled at them both and walked to the kitchen and started the coffee machine.

"Jay, I'm sorry I took over, it's just hard to watch you struggle when our daughter is crying." Erin said.

"You just gotta let me try Er. Look I know your still pissed and it's going to take you a while to sort things out in your head," Jay sighed and whispered under his breath "That's why I'm assuming I'm not allowed in 'our' bed yet," he stopped and looked up at Erin who had clearly heard it but didn't bite, "But you gotta let me do things with Lil, I am her dad."

"I know your her dad Jay, I'm just trying to make things easier on you." Erin said annoyed.

"I know Erin and I appreciate it, but I am capable. I have figured out how to do things one handed, trust me." Jay said bluntly.

"Okay." Erin said.

"Erin?" Jay questioned.

"Yes Jay?" She looked up meeting his gaze.

"Can i please come to bed? I miss you, I miss us." Jay said sadly.

"I miss you too, it just feels different." Erin sighed.

"It probably feels different because we haven't shared a bed in three weeks, I need my girls back. I will do anything." Jay said walking up and kneeling down in front of her.

"Fine you can come back to bed tonight on one condition, she paused and waited for Jays nod of approval, "Don't rush me, you gotta let me let you back in on my own time, I can't just forget what happened. I know it's been three weeks but for two months you were hiding a pretty big secret."

"I know Er, I won't push you. But I need you to let us try and be a family again. I know you don't owe me anything but I love you and Lil so much, I just hope that's something."

Erin cupped Jays face, "Of course it's something and I know how much you love us, you've proved that, I mean your trying to change diapers one handed."

Jay chuckled, when Erin smiled at him, "God I have missed that smile."

Lily started giggling as she was in Erins arms between the two, Jay pinched her cheek gently, "What you laughing at munchkin?"

"God she is the cutest and look at her dimples."

"She is definitely her mother's daughter." Jay smiled.

"She is abit of both of us, "Your eyes, your freckles..."

Jay interrupted, "Your dimples and smile..."

"Probably going to have everyone wrapped around her finger." Erin smiled.

"Babe, she's four months old and already has, do you seen Hank when he's around her? He's a big old marshmallow."

Erin chuckled, "Your not wrong."

"So next week I get to lose the sling, how about I take my girls out for dinner? I think I owe you that much." Jay asked.

"Truffles?" Erin said raising an eyebrow in question.

"Sure, why not."

Erin smiled looking down at her daughter, "Hear that Lil, after knowing me for five years I'm finally going to get some truffles out of him."

Jay laughed and leant forward to kiss Erin, hoping she wouldn't pull away or turn her cheek like she had been for the last three weeks. Jays heart skipped a beat when she didn't, she leant in and kissed him back passionately.

Jay pulled back and smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too Jay, always."

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