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Erin and Lillian had been home from the hospital for a bit over a week now, finally they were starting to get into a routine but it was all still so new. Since they had gotten home Jay and Erin hadn't spoken about the two of them and what everything meant now.

Jay only had a couple days left of paternity leave so he was trying to help her out and spend as much time with them as possible. But he needed help with a couple things, so he got Nat and Will to come over, along with Hank, Kim and Adam. As they all piled in besides Hank who hadn't got there yet they were all watching the new mother in the kitchen with Lily, she was in the perfect baby bubble but it needed to be popped.

With Jay going back to work in a few days he needed to know she was going to be okay on her own, he knew she would but he just needed to be sure. Since Lily had a couple things go wrong when she was born Erin didn't want to sleep, shower or leave the house incase something were to happen, even though she had gotten told off everyone including two of their friends that were doctors that everything was okay.

Erin stood in the kitchen snacking on toast, her hair was a mess, she'd been in clothes for the last three days with spit up and baby pee on them, she hadn't left the place and hadn't had a adult conversation with any really including Jay since the hospital. All her focus was on her baby, nothing else. But she needed an intervention.

Jay stood next to everyone, they were all trying to work out when she'd last showered. All of them had popped over every couple days and they could all tell that she had been looking after lily but not herself.

"So it's Saturday, I came over on Thursday she looked fine then?" Kim asked as she assessed her friend.

"No, because Wednesday night was when there was that huge thunderstorm through the night so she stayed up all night and then slept through the day." Jay shrugged.

"Well Will and I came over Sunday, she looked okay then?" Natalie asked concerned.

"Nope, I haven't prayed since catholic school and I did then and it didn't happen, trust me," Jay sighed as he rubbed his face, "I'm telling you it was Saturday."

"Wow, so that's like a full seven days?" Adam asked shocked.

"Yep." Jay nodded.

"Okay she's done eating, let's go. Jay you grab the baby and Nat and I will get her in the shower." Kim said as they made a plan.

Jay quickly walked to Erin with a big smile and arms held out, "Hey, it's daddy time. Hi little girl."

Erin couldn't say anything as she was getting pulled away by Nat and Kim, "And you need some mummy time, why don't you hop in the shower?" Kim asked.

"But I need to clean up first?" Erin said gesturing to the few dishes on the sink.

"All good Adam and I have it sorted." Will said smiling.

"Wow, a nice hot shower. I'm so jealous." Adam said sarcastically, getting eyerolls from everyone.

"Yeah go on, get in there." Nah said as she pushed Erin inside the bathroom.

"Okay then, I guess I'll take a shower." Erin smiled looking at everyone confused.

But before she shut the door Hank walked in, "Hey just thought I'd check in."

"Oh Hank hey, this can wait." Erin said about to step out.

"No, no actually Sarge I have to talk to you about something...Erins just about to get in the shower." Adam said pulling Hank aside, trying to get him to click on with what they were doing.

"Oh yes sure, let's step outside then. Erin you enjoy your shower." Hank smiled as they awkwardly left the room.

Erin shut the door, everyone stood there smiling, finally she was going to freshen up. But everyone's happiness was soon stopped when Erin opened the door back up, "You know what? I'm exhausted. I'm just going to take a nap, was good to see all you guys."

About half hour had passed and everyone was still there trying to work out another plan. Natalie and Kim said they'd give it a shot, just shoot her straight.

They walked in the nursery and saw Erin burping Lily, just about to put her down.

"Hey Erin, can we talk?" Natalie said as they stood in the doorway, Erin happily invited them in.

"So we just want to say, your really kicking ass at this. Your a great new mum, you and Jay are doing really good at this whole parenting thing." Kim said smiling.

"Thanks, I feel like we have finally got a little routine down." Erin smiled.

"And you defiantly do. And on that note," Natalie said as she walked closer, "It's time you pop the new baby bubble."

Erin looked confused as Kim gentle grabbed Lily off her, "You know, take a shower, run a comb through your hair, maybe even leave the house?"

"With Lily? Oh no, I'm not ready for that." Erin shook her head.

"Why not Erin?" Natalie said smiling.

"What if she gets hungry?" Erin questioned.

"Your boobs come with you." Natalie smiled.

"But she's been fussy lately." Erin shrugged, trying to make excuses.

"Then you'll soothe her, Erin or change her. Just do something simple like lunch, go with Jay. It would be really nice for the two of you to get out as a family." Kim said as she rocked Lily in her arms.

"Okay," Erin sighed, "Okay, your right. I will go clean up."

As Erin went for a shower Nat and Kim walked out with Lily, passing her to her grandpa. Natalie smiled at Jay and lightly tapped his shoulder, "Your doing really good Jay, she's lucky time have you. They both are."

"I'm just glad I have all of you guys to help out, Erins hard to talk to sometimes." Jay said as he walked towards Hank and his daughter.

"Have to say Halstead you have made a pretty cute kid here, she definitely has your eyes and freckles." Hank said as he traced his fingers over Lily's face.

"And Erins dimples and I'm sure her attitude." Jay chuckled.

Hank chuckled, "Yeah you have fun with that."

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