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After a long night with Lily, it was finally morning. Jay unfortunately was wide awake but he was soon put in a better mood, despite how tired he was when he looked down to a sleeping baby on his chest. He traced his fingers along her arms and legs just remembering how small she once was. She was still tiny but the time sure had flown by. He looked over at the clock and it was creeping towards seven, as much as he wanted to get up and prepare breakfast or go for a jog around the lake like old times his body was telling him otherwise and he didn't want to move Lily because she was finally asleep.

He looked over next to him when he felt the bed shift, his gazed met Erin's eyes as she was waking up. She was so beautiful, he definitely would never get use to it and how much he loved mornings like this.

"Morning," he whispered, "This little one had a rough night."

"Didn't we all?" Erin quietly chuckled as she sat up.

"Do you want to take her? I will get breakfast ready?" Jay asked quietly.

"You stay with her, I will start breakfast."

Jay raised his eyebrow, "No offence babe but i don't want you burning the cabin down."

"Fine give me the baby then." Erin sighed.

Jay gently shifted Lily into Erin's arms, she stirred a little bit then adjusted to Erin's hold.

A little while later Erin emerged into the kitchen, a very awake but clinging baby attached to her hip.

"Well good morning princess," Jay said walking over to kiss her head, then Erin's lips, "And queen."

Erin scoffed, "Okay Prince Charming."

"King thankyou very much."

"Okay then." Erin chuckled.

Jay just rolled his eyes and continued serving up breakfast, "So you think this ones going to eat today?"

"Maybe just some fruit, needs to be easy on her gums."

"Yeah I know, wanna eat outside?" Erin nodded, "Okay well you go outside and I will bring everything out."

Erin smiled and picked the highchair up as she and Lily made their way out to the deck. It was so beautiful, she was so thankful that Jay finally was sharing this special place with her.

After an hour of sitting down eating breakfast and admiring the view they cleaned themselves up and all got ready for a day of adventuring.

Jay wanted to take his girls fishing as it was a little cold to swim but he still wanted to do something involving the lake. He was still trying to figure out the perfect place and time to propose but still wasn't sure. Maybe this was the time maybe not? He was just waiting for the feeling to be right.

So as they were walking down, Jay had Lily strapped to his chest as Erin followed him carefully holding some fishing rods and a picnic basket. Thankfully it was the perfect weather but they were still hoping that Lily would cooperate and enjoy the outdoors.

"Picnic first or after?" Jay shouted from ahead of Erin.

"I don't care babe, what do you think?"

"Fish first then relax later, hopefully we can catch some fish to cook tonight, although I haven't done this for a really long time so I might be a little rusty." Jay chuckled.

Once they got to the jetty Erin looked down at the little boat that was tied up. Her face scrunched up and then she gave Jay a worried look.

"Uh Jay no offence, but this doesn't look safe. I don't exactly want to drown."

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