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Today was the day Erin reached fourteen weeks. The week they were both scared about, the week that they would most likely be holding their breaths for. And Jay wasn't sure how long she would continue to stress and worry after this week.

Erin wasn't starting to show like last time, she hadn't officially popped yet. Which made her worry even more but the doctor said they baby was still growing strong and healthy.

Erin was still trying to get her head around her and Hanks conversation and he still hadn't even spoken to Jay about it which was frustrating her more. She didn't like keeping things from her husband, especially something as big as that, that would change their lives.

But the more she thought about it the more she didn't know whether it was the best idea. They were expecting another baby, expanding their family. Was becoming a sergeant really the right idea? She knew how much of a family man Jay now was after having Lily but she also knew how much he loved his job and loved leading. So no matter what his choice may be she'd support him no matter what.

Jay watched as Erin walked around the house in a daze, but for some reason he knew that it wasn't only the pregnancy that was on her mind. He got up from playing with Lily and walked over to her, "Er you okay? I know this week is hard, you can talk to me you know."

She grabbed his hand and rested it onto her stomach, he couldn't feel much of a bump yet but he smiled, "We're still good. Trying to stay positive."

He nodded, "We still heading to Hanks this afternoon?"

"Always, it's tradition for us to go for Sunday BBQs."

"Just wasn't sure if you wanted to this week."

"We can't just pause our life Jay, I know these last six months or so have been a rollacoaster of emotions but I think I'm starting to realise I just have to take each day as they come. I mean I'm still going to worry about...that...happening again but I need to stop it effecting this entire pregnancy."

Jay smiled and hugged her, "I'm proud of you."

"Love you."

"Love you too."


They had been at Hanks for a couple hours when Lily started to become restless, the daycare informed then that a couple of the kids had come down with a cold so they should keep an eye on Lily.

Jay felt Lily's forehead as they sat at the table eating dinner with Hank, "Shes a little warm, I will go get her some Tylenol."

Erin nodded, "Maybe then we should take her home?"

"Good idea," Jay agreed as he measured out the medication and gave it to Lily, "Sorry Hank."

Hank waved him off, "Don't worry about it, it's all good. But there is something I'd like to run by you in the morning so come to work a little earlier."

Jay looked at him strangely, "Okay...Anything I need to worry about?"

"Everything's fine Halstead. Now get that little girl home, if she's too sick tomorrow to go to daycare you can take the day off Erin."

"You sure Hank?"

"Yeah I know how much you hate leaving her with a sitter if she's not doing the best, after everything she's been through." Hank explained.

"Thanks Hank, I appreciate it." Erin smiled.

"Bye guys."


As soon as they put Lily in the car seat she passed out, Erin looked behind the passenger seat and smiled, "Shes out cold. It's your turn being the bad guy aswell."

Jay raised an eyebrow, "Sorry?"

"At getting her out while she's asleep, she cracks it when you wake her up after falling asleep in the car and I deal with it on way to many grocery shops so it's your turn."

"I'm stealthy. I bet she won't even know she's being moved."

Erin scoffed, "We'll see about that Halstead."


They walked to the front door, Erin looked towards Jay who's face was all scrunched up by the screaming that was filling his ear, he may be stealthy on the job, but moving a two and a half year old out of a baby seat he was far from stealthy.

"What happened to stealthy." Erin chuckled as she unlocked the front door.

He rolled his eyes and walked past her to walk up the stairs, "Shes just sick that's why she's like this."

"Yeah sure. Now do you want me to put her down or will you be fine?"

"I'm sure I will be fine," Jay smiled.

"Okay, turn the vaporiser on it will help."

"Yep okay." He nodded.


Jay crept into their room about forty five minutes later, slowly tip toeing towards their bed where Erin was reading, "She's finally down."

She moved her vision towards the baby monitor and then looked at Jay, "Poor little thing. I hope she doesn't get too bad. She's been on one hell of a ride."

"She's been pretty healthy given the...givens. So I'm sure she will tough this out aswell."

"Yeah I don't doubt it. It's just hard watching your little one be sick, because they don't understand it like adults do."

Jay pulled back the sheets after changing into some boxers, "Yeah I know. So do you have any idea what Hank wants to run by me?"

Erin shrugged, "I wouldn't know."

"That's your 'maybe I know something' shrug."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you know something. You've been off all week and I know it's not just because of what this week is."

"It's a hard week."

Jay reached for her hand, "I know babe. How are you feeling?"

"Good as I can be I guess. I just want him to be okay."

Jays eyes softened as he rested his palm on her stomach, "Him?"

She shrugged, "Yeah maybe."

"I have a feeling everything's going to be okay."

"I hope your feeling is right because I don't think I can do this again if it doesn't work out." Erin said sadly as she played with her fingers, something she'd always done when she was nervous.

"Er...just gotta stay positive remember."

"Yeah I know," she traced her finger along is jawline, "I wouldn't do it with anybody else you know though."

"Me neither. Always remember?"


"Soooo," Jay said trying to go back to the conversation they were having earlier about Hank, "Please can you tell me what's going on?"

"So after all that you want to go back to talking about Hank?" He shrugged, she quickly turned her bedside light off and rolled over, "Go to sleep Halstead."

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