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Thankyou everyone for your reviews, it means a lot and I'm so glad people are still enjoying and reading the updates. I haven't been able to think of anything new with the newest story I started but I feel like I'm on a roll with this one so I'm going to try get as many chapters out as I can while my creativeness is flowing.

Yep definitely pregnant. Only the four times she'd been up vomiting very well proved that. She'd had a little bit of morning sickness with Lily but nothing like this.

She sat on the cold tiles in front of the toilet bowl, she heard a quiet tap on the door and then it opened up, "How you feeling?"

"I don't miss this part." Erin forced a chuckle.

He knelt behind her and massaged her shoulders, "Do you want to come back to bed? It's still quite early."

"Yeah let's try get a couple more hours sleep."

Jay helped her up off the ground and led her to bed, she got comfy under the covers and Jay snuggled in behind her touching her stomach with his hand, "I still can't believe your pregnant."

"Well get use to it and also I'm just apologising in advance for any hormonal outbursts."

"Nothing I can't handle Lindsay."

Few hours later Erin woke up to find an empty bed. She sighed and rolled out of it, chucking on her dressing gown she wondered downstairs.

She smiled when she saw Jay bopping around singing with Lily in the kitchen making pancakes. She smiled and approached them, "Morning you guys."

"Morning mummy, say morning Lil bear." Jay smiled as he turned the radio down and placed Lily on the ground.

"Mummy! Cuddles mummy?" Lily said running over to her mother, Erin immediately picked her up and chucked her in the air.

"Woah easy Er."

She shot Jay a back off look, "Jay just because I'm pre...you know, doesn't mean I can continue how I am around Lily, it's perfectly fine."

Jay raised his eyebrow confused as to why she didn't say pregnant, but then he clicked. She didn't want people to know just yet and Lily repeated absolutely everything she was hearing these days, "Okay sorry. Anyway what times the appointment?"

They were going to see the obstetrician today, find out how far along Erin was and make sure they had a healthy baby. Erin assumed she was six weeks, it had been a week since she took the test and she was a week late.

"2 o'clock."

Jay nodded, "Should we be telling Hank yet? Get you put on desk duty?"

"Jay I can work until my vest doesn't fit anymore."

Jay straightened his posture, Erin could tell he wasn't happy with that, "Erin I don't think that's..."

She cut him off, "Jay please don't, we will listen to what the doctor says and then we can go from there. But I did it with Lily and it was fine."

"Sure." He said bluntly.

"I have breakfast with Bunny so I should get her ready and head off."

"Oh okay then. Made pancakes for no reason then?"

"Jay I did tell you the other day, sorry."

"Guess it's just been a busy couple days, I will take these into work." He shrugged.

"Say bye daddy."

"Bye bye daddy." Lily said as Jay kissed her chubby cheeks.

"See you at 2." Erin said giving Jay a quick kiss on the cheek to try ease the tenseness.

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