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Couple days later Jay was doing overtime with Ruzek and Atwater watching surveillance from a club they wanted to bust, he wanted to do some overtime before the baby so he could take a little bit of time off and have some extra money in case of emergencies.

"So Halstead, how you feeling?" Adam asked.

"Good I guess, it's sinking in that I'm actually going to be a dad." Jay shrugged.

"So y'all together or?" Kev asked.

"Nah man, we agreed that we can't go down that path will make things complicated." Jay shook his head.

"Isn't it already complicated?" Adam questioned.

"Yep." Jay nodded.

"Then what? Do you still love her?" Kev asked.

"Yes of course and she's carrying my baby so that makes me love her even more but just because we are having a baby doesn't mean we should be rushing back into a relationship cause that would just be stupid." Jay said.

"Yeah I guess, I just can't even imagine." Kev said.

"So how's living together again? Be different this time I guess." Adam said as he chuckled a little.

"Oh yeah," Jay sighed, "We've clashed heads a little bit it's fine, living with a hormonal pregnant lady is definitely different."

"I can't even imagine." Kev laughed, both the other two joining in.


Back at the apartment Erin was tidying up after she made dinner, nothing special but at least there was leftovers for Jay for whenever he got home, she thought that was the least he could do with him letting her stay here rent free.

She still hadn't made up her mind about staying or leaving, she didn't want to take a step backwards in her life but then again maybe she was already there? Not that it was a bad thing. Also her family was here and she'd definitely need them once the baby arrived, she couldn't imagine doing this by herself.

But then the other thing on her mind was work, if she stayed in Chicago what was she suppose to do?

While she was thinking about everything she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to do some things to help with the baby, so she got down into child's pose. After about 10 minutes she switched to rocking back and fourth on all fours, but all that done was push on her bladder.

She had been laying on the living room floor for about 15 minutes when she heard the door open, then she heard footsteps getting closer.

"Erin are you okay!" Jay said quickly coming to her side, he was shocked and worried.

"Calm down Jay I'm fine, I just got exhausted and all the positions I was trying just made me want to pee." Erin smiled as she sat up.

"Oh right, sorry I just didn't know..."

"It's fine Jay." Erin interrupted him.

"So how was your day?" Jay smiled as he stood back, he then made he was over to the fridge to get a beer.

"I went for a walk, caught up with a couple old friends, then tried a couple things to get the baby moving but who knows if that worked." She said defeated as she rubbed her bump.

"I'm sure it did, but make sure you take it easy on yourself too." Jay said concerned for her.

"Yes Jay, also it isn't anything special but there is pasta in the fridge that I cooked for dinner."

Jay looked at her surprised, "You cooked?"

"Shut up and eat, I'm going to get in the shower then I'm going to bed."

"Oh wait Erin, there's something I want to run by you." Jay said quickly before she walked off.

Erin stopped and turned back around, "Okay what's up?"

"How would you feel about meeting my dad?"

Erin looked at him, she was surprised he'd never bought his father up by his own choice before.

"It would be nice, I mean he is going to be the grandfather of our baby." Erin shrugged.

"It's just Wills been on my case about me telling him about the baby, I haven't really spoken to him for a couple years." Jay said sadly.

"Do you want to see him? There isn't any point going if you don't want too, you need to want to do it for yourself not because Wills forcing you." Erin said walking closer to him.

"I really don't know, maybe it could be nice to recconect but he just seems to always sees the worst in any situation and I don't want you to be bombarded with questions." Jay said resting his hand on her arm.

"Jay do you not remember how I grew up and what my family was like? I can handle it."

"Yeah I know but still you don't deserve that no matter what happened between us," he paused, "Thats another thing, have you told Bunny?"

"No and I don't plan on it, she's poison. I'm not letting someone like her in our child's life, there's no way."

"I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm happy about that decision, if I'm being honest I would of struggled if you did."

"Yeah I know Jay, but you don't have to worry," Erin smiled, "Now back to your dad."

"Maybe we can organise a dinner with dad, Will, you and I?" Jay suggested.

"Sure Jay whatever your want."

"Thanks Erin, I appreciate it." Jay said as he leant in to give her a hug, she hesitated at first but then sunk into his chest, he was so warm and she felt so safe, she had missed this so much.

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