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Just want to say a big thankyou to everyone's reviews! If anyone has ideas or they want something to happen don't hesitate to ask, it always helps. But I hope everyone is still enjoying the story. Now I feel like there is a lot going on in this chapter but I hope you enjoy it.

Another couple days passed with a colicky baby, both Erin and Jay were exhausted. After Jay had finished up on the last case he had a few days off but they consisted of feeding, burping, changing diapers and little sleep. Yet he still loved every moment of being a dad, especially when Lily finally started liking the sense of Jay again, which that also gave Erin a break.

They hadn't spoke about their late night kiss that they shared but they both could tell it was a step in the right direction and they both knew that they had to stop putting walls up and just let it gradually work itself out, life always had a funny way of doing that.

Erin had just finished Lily's first morning feed for the day, while she was adjusting her top Jay walked out. There rule of 'not walking around half naked' had gone out the window, but she wasn't exactly against it and she loved the bond Jay and Lil shared when he would placed her little body on his chest.

"Morning you two." Jay smiled as he walked past them both, giving Lily a kiss on the forehead, then walking to grab a coffee.

"Morning, she slept much better last night." Erin smiled as he fingers brushed up and down Lily's cheeks.

"Yeah I woke up and checked on her once, but a little daddy time put her straight back to sleep, she's starting to like me again." Jay said walking back to them, passing Erin a cup of coffee.

"She never stopped Jay she was..."

"Just going through a phase." Jay chuckled as he finished her sentence.

"So the guys invited us to a barbecue later today, what do you think? I know you probably want to sleep before you go back to work but it might be nice, I haven't socialised with many adults since the day everyone was here trying to burst my baby bubble."

Jay laughed, "Yeah I mean I'd love sleep but who needs sleep."

"I do." Erin looked over defeatedly but joined in as Jay laughed.

"So who's idea was this barbecues anyway?" Jay asked as he reached over and picked Lily out of Erins arms.

"Kim's but everyone was on board as soon as she said it and to be honest I think they miss seeing our faces and they thought a barbecue at the park was very baby friendly so we wouldn't turn it down." Erin shrugged.

"I think it would be really nice, we need to start getting use to our new normal." Jay said as he reached down to squeeze Lily's chubby cheeks.

"Okay well while you have her I'm going to go shower and make myself look a little less like a zombie." Erin said walking away.

"Not anything close Er," Jay chuckled then looked down and whispered to his daughter, "She will always be beautiful, just like you."


Later that day they arrived at the park, as they got out of Jays truck and started organising the pram and baby bag Erin looked down at her watch, "Do you know what happened to those detectives that always use to be on time? If not five minutes early?"

"Don't know, might have to give them a call." Jay shouted from the back as he walked over with the pram.

Erin stepped back as Jay carefully pulled the baby carrier out of the car and gentle connected it to the pram, he really had the hang of this whole dad thing down and god he looked good doing it. Sure Erin was getting back to her pre baby body but as she looked Jay up and down she knew that he would never be the one to get the 'dad bod' he always loved making sure he stayed in shape and she never complained. But now for some reason seeing him with a baby and how amazing he was at being a father it turned her on so much more.

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