The Queen, the Knight and the Marauders

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               Englische Fanfiction

Autor: Katriilona

Pairing: Jily, Lily Potter×OC (Denke ich)


Lily Luna Potter knew she should have suspected something when her cousin asked her to follow him on the night of Hallowe'en. She did not, however, think that the rest of her evening would be spent in the late 70's.

Lily and her best friend, Frank Longbottom, find themselves in 1977 because of a malfunctioning Vanishing Cabinet and a meddling Weasley. They have to brace themselves, for what else lures in the seventies but hideous fashion, horrible slang and a bunch of Marauders.

As they strive to survive against all odds, Lily starts to believe that not all in the past is written in stone, while Frank is desperately trying to get his best friend to see him as more than, well, a friend.

The Queen, The Knight and The Marauders Also known as Those Whom I Never Met Either

An independent sequel to the story 'Those whom I never met'.

Meine Anmerkung:

Also das ist mal eine coole ff!!

Wie ihr vielleicht schon aus der Inhaltsangabe des Autors gelesen habe, reist unsere liebe Lily Luna Potter mit ihrem besten Freund Frank Longbottem|| in Die Zeit der Rumtreiber!

Außerdem ist Lily in Slytherin und das trägt auch dazu bei, dass ich diese ff liebe!
(#Slytherinforever💚🐍 #SlytherinwithHufflepuffheart💛💚)

Es ist fantastisch geschrieben, super cool, super süß, super tool!! Lily Luna hat eine super (viel zu viele supers hier) coole Persönlichkeit  und auch Frank ist echt toll. Die Rumtreiber sind auch klasse!

Großes Lob an die Autorin!

Es lohnt sich diese ff zu lesen!!

Also viel Spaß!

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