☘ One Last Time | ᴛxᴛ

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➢ Genre: Brother x Sister, fluff, mid-comedy

➢ Requested by: taerush

➢ A/N: I'm so sorry senpai that this request take so long 😩 (gaming life die hard)

Anyway, I'm scared that my writing would look terrible in this chapter as I've been on writing hiatus for a month (which I forgot how to write a story😳) but hopefully you guys enjoy💜💜

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Balloons were scattered everywhere on the floor, as a large pink-coloured banner could be saw hunging from the wall. While that, in the kitchen, can be found three boys who currently screaming over the baby octopus on the floor.

Well, let's say it. The atmosphere in the kitchen was a complete noise and chaotic, with Kai's dolphin pitched and Beomgyu's yells because the younger screamed right next to his ear. Meanwhile, poking the octopus with a frying pan handle then would scream and jump to the back for the next second was Soobin. None of them can even handle the live baby octopus that was sprawling on the floor.

"Yah, hyung! That's what you got for not paying attention when grandma taught you," Kai suddenly spoke which make Soobin glared over him.

"I'm home~!"

The three of them immediately turned their head to the back, only to found that you were already back. A few plastic bags were in your hands. After you were Yeonjun and Taehyun. Kai, Soobin and Gyu quickly leave the kitchen and none of them are thinking about the baby octopus.

"What did you guys bought? Any food or drinks?" Kai asked while trying to peek into the plastic bag that you were holding.

"Of course we bought it, Kai! We can't enjoy the movie without snacks," Yeonjun answered then he looked at everyone. "talking about movie, let's get started, shall we?"

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The lights coming from the television lighten up a bit around the dark living room. While that, the six of you already sitting on the couch, half were on the floor.


You was startled when Soobin, who sitting on the floor next to Taehyun, suddenly yelled in shock. Meanwhile, Taehyun already insert his hand into a bag of chips but his eyes was fixated on Soobin.  "chill, can you? You was too scared watching the movie that you even thought me as a ghost," Taehyun said.

You slowly shook your head then focused back on the movie. It was Kai who insisting on watching this latest horror movie that available on Netflix, and you all had to agree with him although you knew it wasn't the best idea to watch such genre especially before sleep at night.

"Guys, let's change the movie. Soobin seems like can't hold it anymore and I'm scared he might pass out," you suddenly talk which make everyone turned their head towards you. Soobin nodded his head, agreeing to your words.

"What are we gonna watch?" Beomgyu asked.

"Fifty shades of grey," Kai replied.

Taehyun quickly grabbed the cushion then threw it right on Kai's face. "You nasty kid! How dare you try to watch that type of movie?!" Taehyun snapped.

"Hey, I'm just kidding! y/n is still here, and of course I know it isn't a good idea to watch such movie in front of a girl," Kai defended. What he just said previously was only a joke purpose and of course, he's hoping in his heart that you dont take his suggestion seriously, just like how Taehyun did.

You chuckled. "Okay. Now be serious. What are we gonna watch?" you asked. Your gaze at each of your brothers' face, try to search an answer in their eyes.

"Let's just sleep. It's late already and y/n, you have a flight tomorrow at 10, remember?" Soobin replied which you slowly nodded your head in return. Suddenly the pain hit right on your heart and it made you pouted your lips. The thought of leaving your home country for the whole three years really made you want to cry for the whole 24 hours. It not just leaving the home country, but also your family; your parents and your sweet siblings.

Beomgyu heaved a heavy sigh. "Hyung... Why would you reminded of that? We just want to have a last moment with y/n,"

"It's true. y/n have to leave early tomorrow morning and she needs to get enough sleep. Don't worry, we will send you off to the airport,"

You chuckled once again. "Gosh, guys! Why did you all looked so sad as if you are the one that leaving?! Don't worry, please. It's just for three years okay? Then after that we can meet again," you said, changing the atmosphere. Honestly, you can't stand seeing the five sad faces in front of you. They made you really want to cry.

"You better study smart in those three years! I don't want to hear that you have a boyfriend while being there," Taehyun threatened. You lazily nodded your head in return, had to admit his words.

"Otherwise we will kill him if you bring him back," Yeonjun added. "We are serious, y/n,"

"Okay! I promise I will not try to date anyone while being there... Even if I have a boyfriend right now I think you guys would ask me to break up with him," You replied follow by a soft laugh. Thanks god you are not seeing anyone right now.

"Who do you think we are? Toxic brothers?"

You laughed once again at Beomgyu's words. What you said just now is only mean for a joke. You knew they would not force you to breakup if you have a boyfriend right now. You knew that your brothers will always support you as long as it something good.

"y/n, give me the last hug!"

You turned your head towards Soobin. Now you just remember that tomorrow he had to attend uni by tomorrow and unable to see you off. Without any hesitation, you smacked his head which make him whined in return. "A smack before hug. You better remember that,"

"Gosh! For real, y/n?! Do you hate me that much?!"

"Of course I love all my brothers. But do you know that siblings sometimes smacking, slapping and pinching each other to show their love? It's weird but sometimes it's true," you replied.

"Your fact isn't relatable to us, y/n. How dare we try to smack our only little sister? We will show our love towards you through words and through virtual hug only," Kai said.

"Let me give you guys a last hug," you said then wrapped your arms around Yeonjun. Then, you moved your arms over Beomgyu. You did a second hug to all of them equally. "I'm gonna miss you guys," you told after you giving the last hug towards Taehyun.

"Miss us more than your boyfriend,"

"Gosh! Stop it!"



I'm so sorry if the plot of this chapter look mess and boring😢 (I've been gaming through my hiatus)

Please tell me that you don't like it so that I could do better.

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