☘ Mistake | ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ | 1 |

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➢ Description: The greatest thing that you regret with is your own mistake.

➢ Genre: Angst, romance

'Loving you was my mistake'

- positive -

The test result showing two lines, which make your heart almost drop. Tears slowly brimming in your eyes, as lump started to getting more heavier in your throat. You brought your shirt sleeve closer to your mouth, sobbing against it.

Now you should think. Being pregnant at age 19 is something unexpected. You admit it, it was all your mistake to let a small living thing developing in your womb. Two months ago, you let your lust controlling all over you. You was so immerse in love and was so scared to lost Soobin. As to hold him more in your life, you let yourself being touch by him. You let him took the most precious thing you had which is your virginity. You let it go without thinking the consequences that you'll face.

Your knees land on the ground, while you crying hard as the last two weeks scene replaying in your head like it was the precious memory that you ever had. Your brain as if don't want to work along with you. It as if trying to make you regret by replaying again and again the most sinful and disgusting thing that you thought that thing is fun, enjoyable and pleasuring.

- Two months ago -

"Soobin-ah, where are you going?"

Soobin turned around to face you who was standing in the door frame, with your face expression clearly show that you was confused with the situation.

Soobin already packed his clothes in a huge luggage. The closet door left opened, revealing only your clothes and your things in it. Now that you understand. Soobin tried to left the apartment that you rented only for you and him to live. He tried to left you alone.

With anger controlling yourself, you walked closer to Soobin and brought out all his clothes from the luggage. Soobin stared at you with confusion written all over his face. He furrowed his brows.

"Why did you take out all of my clothes?! Don't you get it that I want to left?!" He raised his voice, filling in the silence in the room. You breath out heavily. Tears brimming in your eyes and any minutes left, it might burst and resulting you crying.

"Aiss," As Soobin was about to grabs his clothes, you hold his arm which stop him. He faces you, then he scoffs. "What do you want, y/n?!"

"Please don't go... I love you..." You begged while holding onto his arm. Tears spilling out from your eyes, falling down to your cheeks before it drop to the ground. Soobin heave a heavy sigh.

You gulped down your saliva as to not let your voice crack when you start speaking. "I'm not cheating behind you at all... It was my friend who made a speculation against me! She tried to broke the two of us, so that she get you!" You explained. Unfortunately, Soobin wasn't sure to trust you or not. He shook his head, denying your explaination. "Please, Soobin-ah... I don't want you to go... I love you," You said while holding onto his arm.

"What can you do to make me believe you? What can you show to me that you're not cheating?" He asks.

You let go of his arm then you clutch his collar, brought him more closer to you. "I can show you..." you spoke. Your toes raised a bit to get to the same level as Soobin. You was 17 cm shorter from him and of course it sometimes too hard for your lips to reach his. You rarely kissed him and vice versa.

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