☘ Guardian | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ

977 20 3

➣ Genre: Romance

➣ Note: This chapter was inspired from anime movie, Hotarubi no Mori E (Into the forest of fireflies)


- Third POV -

The boy you have trusted so much ever since you was a child, the one you have love so much and adore so much till the present is apparently not like what you have been thinking all these years.

Choi Beomgyu.

The name that have been carved in your heart from the first time you saw him and you met him. He is a work of art, that's what you thought everytime you meet him. He never fails to make your heart beating so hard just for him. He is absolutely perfect for being a human; a pair of angelic-look eyes that would melt your heart, a melodic voice that would brings you to a deep sleep, a sweet scent that will make you become an addict, and one and of course, his warm body that always and will be forever engulfing around your small, petite and fragile body.


The boy who you adores so much also can hurt you in a way that you will never expected. The boy who you trusted so much and who you believes he is a true human that will protect you forever apparently is not a normal human being. His angelic self can't be trusted anymore. He is not your angel.

He is a demon.

Oh boy, how much you cried ever since he revealed his true colour to you. Not that you cried because he lied to you, pretending to be a human. Apparently no. But it is because how you can't believe with his true reason why he stayed next to you. It scared you to the core when he said that he just need to consume your blood in his body so that he'll getting more and more stronger.

It took you almost two weeks to recover from everything; fear, trauma, sad and most importantly, your broken heart and trust. You hid yourself from Beomgyu, so that the thought of you die in his hand will fly away.


Love is a fool, right? With just one apologize, you fall into Beomgyu's hand once again. You never thought that he would came to your house at midnight just for seeking an apologize. You tried not to forgive him. But, seeing how desperate and how shiny his eyes was made you became weak. He is like a stray kitten who begs for a food from human, by looking at them with its shiny, large and round and cute eyes.

You can't avoid Beomgyu for such a long time. In another words, you don't want to miss him. Instead, you want him to stay by your side, always and forever. You want to grasp on him, and hold him as if you are claiming that he is belong to you. Indeed, he is. At least that's what you thinking of.

You breathed out heavily. The cold air hitting your exposed skin, while your hair dancing along with the wind. The breeze in the night is quite strong yet calming.

30 minutes passed by, but you still won't budge from the bench where you sat right now. In front of you was Beomgyu. You watched every move he make, starting from where he bounced the ball to the ground up to where he perfectly shoot it into the net. The view in front of you was quite fascinating and eye-catching; how he jumped high up in the air to the point where he almost reach the net, his fast run, his smile when he successfully scored the game, the strategic move that he make to confuse his opponent and everything. One reason why you don't feel bored (though you hate watching sports) is because of Beomgyu.

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