☘ Him | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ

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➢ Description: You had been put up all your feelings for him. But you was way too shy to confess in front of him.

➢ Genre: Romance


"Please complete your assignment tonight and you need to submit it tomorrow! Got it?!"

"NE~" The class lazily answered before Mrs Lee went out from the classroom. They cheered in happiness as the sound of bell ringing behind, indicate that lunch time is coming.

You pack all your things into your backpack before stood up, getting ready to go to the locker room as usual rather than filled in your hunger in the cafeteria. You was totally different from the other student. Well, let's say it that you're the nerd of the school. You had a huge eyeglasses, you love books out of all the things. But, only two things that make you the same as the other girls. You had straight brown coloured hair and you had a natural perfect body shape. You're a lacto vegetarian.

You walk to your locker and as you was about to took out your book, suddenly you heard a giggling sound from behind. You sure someone making out behind the second locker row. You're on the first row.

"Shhh... Can you please shut up? Someone might hearing us," the deep voice greeting your ears and you sure it was the boy and the giggling sound is the girl.

"Oppa~ It's ticklish... ahh! keumanー"

You covered your ears then secretly went out from the locker room. It was so disgusting for you to heard it all.

As you on the way to your class, suddenly you accidentally bumped onto someone's shoulder which make your book scattered on the ground. You bit your lower lips. Ah, you're so mess...

"I-I'm sorry..." you said while hurriedly picking up your books. To your suprised, the person who you bumped into also help you pick up your books.

As you done, you straighten your body back and turn around to face the person. But, then, you gasped as you realize it was a kingka in the school, a famous boy who also became your crush. He is non other than Choi Beomgyu.

You pressed your books more tightly against your chest as you can feel your heart started to beating rapidly. You suddenly feel shy as his eyes scanned over your figure.

"uhm... This is your book," he lend you your history book. You smiled before grabbing the book with your trembling hand.

You instantly bowed your body. "Gumawo," you thanks him. Beomgyu smiled along.

"Well... As a sunbae, I should help my hoobae, right?" He blurt out a question which earn a little nod from you. You was very nervous and you can't act calm right now. Meeting and talking to Beomgyu is not an easy thing. All through this year, you just only watch him from far and nothing more than that. Seeing him being happy was enough to make you happy too.

"N-ne..." you stuttered.

"Oppa! Where did you go?!" A voice interrupted and there you saw a beautiful girl approaching Beomgyu from behind. Without any hesitation, she wrapped her arm around Beomgyu's.

"I was about to meet the other," Beomgyu replied to her.

You breath out heavily. So.... The rumor that you heard a few days before was true. Beomgyu date with a queenka of the school, Lee Yena. You admit, Yena was so beautiful. She has a long, a bit curly, caramel coloured hair. She also has natural round eyes, pink lips and fair skin. No wonder she has a lot of admirers and she got to be lucky to became Beomgyu's girlfriend. You pouted your lips. It's so sad that you're not in the list of Beomgyu's type ideal. You're not his taste.

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