☘ Cheater | ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ

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➣ Description: Soobin, your boyfriend, was cheating behind you and even lied to you.

➣ Genre: Angst


'Sorry, y/n... I can't join you for triple dates today... I'm so sorry' - Soobin💜

You move your gaze to the left, eyeing your friend who act being lovey dovey with her boyfriend. Today, Soobin promised to you that he'll join the triple dates which was planned by you and your other two friends; Soa and Yuna. But, as expected, Soobin can't be able to come and the reason was unknown.

"y/n-ah! Soobin not coming?" Soa suddenly asks. You turn your head toward her then slightly shook your head.

"No... I guess I should head home..." You decided and was about to walk away. But, Yuna quickly grabbed your wrist so that you'll stay in your original spot. She shook her head while sincerely smiled.

"But I'll ruin your dates! It was like as if I'm third wheeling you guys,"

"Oh~ Come on.... Let's change this date then! We'll make this as hang out!" Yuna said then swung her arm over your nape. Soa nod her head in agreement. You hesitate at first, but then you agreed since Yuna and Soa seems like force you.

The dates was going well even though Soobin not around. Everything you did just totally successful for you to forget about him for a while. The sad and disappointment feel that hovering over yourself totally gone.


"Bye, y/n!"

That was the last word that Yuna said before drove away, leaving you alone in front of your house. You stood on the porch, while clutching your chest tightly as to ease your beating heart. You can't wait to text Soobin the reason why he can't join the date.

You walk into the house quickly to not let yourself stood too long at the outside, being covered with cold air. As you was about to step on the stairs, suddenly the voice of your father stop you in the track.

"How was the date today, y/n?" He asks.

You turn your head toward him who sitting on the sofa, while his eyes staring at the newspaper that he was holding. As usual, a mug of hot coffee on the coffee table at the centre of the living room.

You smiled, as if your father see that. "it's fine... I'm going upstairs first," you told him before disappearing into your bedroom at the upstairs.

You locked the door then threw yourself on your bed. You pulled out your phone from your jeans pocket with a rush, as if your phone would slip and run away from your hands.

You press on Soobin's contact in your phone before started to text him. Your fingers pinch on the keyboard so quick.

'To : Soobin💜
Soobin-ah... why can't you join u- *delete*

'To : Soobin💜
Soobin oppa... Tell me the reason why you cancel theー *delete*

'To : Soobin💜
Are you busy right now?' - Send

You place your phone next to your pillow while waiting for Soobin to replied to your text.

Suddenly, the 'ding' sound from your phone make you quickly grabbed it and there you saw Soobin's text showed on the notification bar. You pressed it as you can't wait to read what he had replied.

'From : Soobin💜
Now I'm not... why do you ask? Did you miss your Mr. Handsome already😏'

'To : Soobin💜
ne~ I miss you soooo much cuz you did not join the date😞'

You furrowed your brows when Soobin not replied any of your texts yet. You wait and wait and wait until you not realize it was ten minutes already.

'To : Soobin💜
Oppa?' - Send

'From : Soobin💜
Ne~~?? I was about to fall asleep... But I had to fight this stubborn eyelids just for my babygirl☺😘'

'To : Soobin💜
Where are you actually? Why can't you join the datesー *delete*

'To : Soobin💜
Ohh... Then why dont you sleep? You know you had to work hard as an idol🙂' - Send

'From : Soobin💜
I know... But cant we spend a little bit time? I miss you soo much cuz I dont join the dates😢'

'To : Soobin💜
We have a lot of times, Soobin-ah... We can go on to a dates for the next times... Gn oppa... sleep well' - Send

You place your phone on the nightstand then breath out heavily. You desperately want to know the reason why Soobin can't join the dates. But you tried not too rush and try to think positively.

You closed your eyelids, getting ready to move on the other worlds.


DISCONTINUED PART 2. my shitty brain just won't give me any idea😒🙄

Don't forget:-


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