☘ It's You | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ | 1 |

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➢ Genre: Angst

A/N: This chapter was inspired from one of my favourite songs, It's You by Ali Gatie

"please dont break my heart, dont tear me apart,
I know how it starts, trust me, I've been broken before,"

The room was filled with nothing, but echoing sounds of sobs from two broken people.

Beomgyu was standing right in front of you, with tears rolling down to his cheeks as his heart aches seeing at your crying form. You was sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at him while sobbing hard.

"I can't believe you..." Those words slipped out from your mouth, while you shook your head in disappointment. Beomgyu's heart aches more. He sobbing hard too, crying like a baby.

He immediately kneeled down on the floor, then held your knee while lowering down his gaze to the ground. He shook his head, trying to denying everything you had spoke to him. "IーI'm sorry, y/n... I didn't meanー"

"You kissed her," you cut him off. "You and my cousin betrayed me... I'm hurting inside knowing that both of you were together behind me," you state. Beomgyu still fixing his gaze on the floor, too shame to face you after what he had done.

"I-Iー" He stutters, as he can't continue what he wants to said. "Please listen to me first," he raised his head to face you as his hands clasping with yours. The warmth of his skin make you want to run in his embrace as always, but your heart denying it.

Without letting go of his hands, your hazel orbs staring right into his as he making an eyes-contacts with you. Both of you taking a few seconds in a staring contest before you broke it by averting your gaze on your lap, a place where his hands and yours clasping each other.

"I'll listen..." You said.

Beomgyu sighed. His fingers brush past your fingers and moves to your wrist, wrapping it with his hands. You secretly gasp, suprise by how perfectly your wrist was in his hold as if your wrist was officially belong to him.

"Me and her are actually in a date... Butー"

"I know," you cut him off again. You know he's in date with your cousin. It's break your heart apart when you saw him wearing the same silver bracelet with your cousin and even up until now, he not take it off his wrist which shattered your heart more. "I want to know since when did you two date... I want to know everything that I don't know about you and her,"

Beomgyu nibbled his trembling lower lips. His hands around your wrist getting more tighter as he holding his tears.

"W-we met at this one of the bar..." He said as he lower down his head once again, now facing your hand. "During the night that you went to the Daegu for trip,"

You gasp in shock. "No wonder I can't reached your phone at that time! Apparently you was spending time with her!" You slightly raise your voice. Beomgyu cried more harder.

"I'm scare to tell you about this one but I know I had to confess everything at you..." He said. He shook his head as he sobs. "IーI... I once making out with her when weー"

A hard slap landed on his cheek as his head now turn to the side. His cry getting more harder. He knew he deserved it because of the mistake that he caused. He touched another woman when you was not there next to him. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

"You promise to me to stay loyal with me, and I get this in return?! How dare you..." You shook your head in disappointment. You immediately budge from the bed and walk to the closet. You grabbed all your clothes and shove it into the big luggage.

Beomgyu stand up and approach you. "y/n.. Listen to me! We make it because both of us was drunk! I'm not in my sober state at that time!" He explained while you still shove all your clothes into the luggage.

"y/n..." He followed you from behind as you walk to the dressing table to shove all your cosmetics in one bag. "y/n..." He reaches for your hand but you yank it from him.

"If I know that will happen, then I would call Soobin or Yeonjun to check it out for you!" You spoke. "I told you many times before to not go to the bar and to not to try drink the alcohol! But you was way too stubborn, and see what happen! You laid your hand over my cousin's body first and it breaks my heart to knows that..."

You walked pass by him and zip your luggage. As you was about to walk out from the room, suddenly a tight yet warm hug from behind stop you. Beomgyu's arms perfectly wraps around your small waist as your back attached against his body. His tears fall on top of your shoulder as he still crying.

"Don't go... I love you, y/n..." he whispered. You shut your eyes for a few seconds as to let the tears slide down to your cheeks. "please don't..."

"I can't..." You replied to him. "I love you too but I need to some time alone,"

Your hands brush pass his wrist. You hold his hands before slowly letting it go from your waist. "I'm sorry," you said before walk away from him while dragging your luggage. You cry as hard as can as you leave the condominium that Beomgyu rented for you and him to live.

"I'm so sorry..."







Boring plot
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

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