☘ Downpour | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʏᴇᴏɴᴊᴜɴ

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➢ Description : In which your boyfriend got home during the heavy downpour.

➢ Genre: Fluff


It was reported in the news that tonight the weather was totally bad. You was in the living room, sitting all by yourself in the sofa while wrapping yourself in the warm duvet. On the coffee table, there was a mug of hot coffee. The strong smell of it lingering around the room.

You huffed out a heavy breath. The current time is already 11pm, but still, there's no sign of your boyfriend will come. Your apartment was completely broke into silence as you turn off the television. The main sources of sound now is only the sound of heavy rain poured down from the sky.

You slowly shut your eyes. The cold sensation coming from the breeze outside had made you want to drift off to sleep. Well, lets just say it. You're a sleepyhead who always want to sleep 24/7. It's a trait from your father since your brother, Yoongi who also a sleepyhead.

As you was about to sleep, suddenly the clicking sound of door woke you up. You blink your eyes a few times and there you saw a familiar figure approaching you. The honeydew smell lingering around the room, defeating the smell of coffee.

Little did he know, his smile did made your heart flutter. You bit your lower lips as he sat himself next to you. He place his phone on the coffee table, next to the mug.

"I thought you already sleep," he said.

"I am! But... Why are you so late?" you asks, changing the topic. Yeonjun instantly smile. You can see the hoodie that he wore and his hair wet. Maybe due to running under the heavy rain.

"We end late..." he simply answered.

Yeonjun ran his gaze all around your apartment, as he's trying to find something. "There's no one in your apartment?" He asks. You shook your head, as a 'no'. Well, Yoongi still working on his music in his studio, your parent was at the Daegu to visit your sick grandmother. And, you was here, in the apartment together with your boyfriend whom you date for almost two years, Yeonjun.

Yeonjun shifted more closer to you, then hugged your body that was covered in duvet. His hand skin make a contact with your neck skin, and you can feel a cold sensation from him. You furrowed your brows.

"Yeonjun-ah! Aren't you feel cold? Let's share the duvet!"

He shook his head. "No~ I feel even more warmer when I'm with you... Let me stay like this," he insisted. You feel worried. You scared that he might fall sick because of the cold that he catch.

"Aiss! You stubborn!"

You pushed the duvet away from covering your body, then let Yeonjun rested his head on your small shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your petite body as he slowly close his eyes.

"How was it?" you asked him. He nodded his head as a respond.

"Warmer... and, my heart was beat unnaturally... You're my world, y/n," he mumbled but get enough to be heard by you. You smiled at his words, then you move your hand to caress his hair. The smell of the shampoo that he used making its way to your nostril.

"And you too~"

Yeonjun broke the hug and straighten his body. His eyes stared deeply into yours. "y/n..." he called. You quickly locked your gaze with his, waiting for his next word. He heaved a heavy sigh.

The next thing he did, did shock you. He leant closer to your face, shamelessly brought his lips to attached against yours. He slowly shut his eyes as to not embarrass in front if you. The kiss was so deep, but he not at all move his lips.

Your heart was beating so fast. This is was your first time as you never kissed him before. All through that two years, you and Yeonjun only spending time by cuddling, hang out, and everything except kissing or more than kissing. You never go further.

He broke the kiss while breathing heavily. You chuckled. "Are you run out of oxygen?"

"Gosh, y/n! I held my breath! I'm nervous," he said while holding his chest. His heart beat rapidly. You hugged him then rested your head against his chest, hearing to his heart. It's true, he's not lie.

Yeonjun wrapped his arms back around you, then caress your spine. "I always love you, y/n... You was my everything and no one can replace you in my heart,"

You smiled. "Love you too... Promise me that you won't leave me... Promise me that you won't hurt me... Stay with me, forever!"

"aww baby! I can't promise that cause I'm cheating with Soobin!" He said then peck your forehead which make you laugh at his words.

"saranghae~" both of you and him whisper at the same time before you drift to sleep.


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