☘ Guardian Demon | ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ

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➣ Genre: Fantasy, romance, angst

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- Third POV -

"Are you okay?"

You raised your head up, expecting to see the bright illuminating moon. But apparently no. There was a tall guy kneeling in front of you as he covered the bright moon away from your sight with his body. While that, his big and wide white angel-like wings hovering over your frail body which make you feel so small and secured.

You thought this is only a dream...

The boy who currently hovering over your small body, protecting you with his wings until no one can see you is obviously none other than the boy who you adores so much for over more than two years.

Choi Soobin.

You clutched your chest with your fist then let out a small gasp as you looked at his form in an unexpected ways. His wings was so surreal, yet it scared you to the core. You can't even dare to move an inch from him as you don't even know what he could do towards you.

Soobin breathed out heavily. He moved his right hand up from touching yours then cupped your cheek without any hesitation. On another hand, you immediately shut your eyes tightly. You scared of what Soobin will do next. You don't want to get kill yet you don't want to run from him. You hate to lose this moment.

"Don't be scare..." he spoke in a gentle voice which made you slowly opened your eyelids. He smiled in return. "...I won't hurt you, promise,"

That's right.

One word that make people trust in you easily. Also, the same word that would fool them. Promise can be made, but promise doesn't mean it that the one who said it will do it for real. Promise can be broken.

That's what you have learn through your entire two years marriage with your husband. Unlike a typical romance story, your marriage wasn't arrange by your parents. It was your own choice. It's rare for a couple nowadays to get married as early at 18 years old. It is an age where people are at the end of high-school life.


Your case was different.

After living two painful years with your husband, finally you think something. Your unhappy marriage was maybe because you being disobedient to your parents. You clearly remember how you yelled at them for disagreed your decision of getting married with your own boyfriend who now has become your husband. You remembered, how you took a final decision by running away from their house and chose to having a secret marriage with your lover.

How shameful and embarrassing.

Your secret marriage life has spread through the whole school until there's a fake rumour saying that you married because you was pregnant. People started to throwing hatred over you and your best friends started to distance themselves away from you. In a drastic time, you suddenly become lonely. Your own husband not even bothering to help you. He, the one who force you into marriage, suddenly claiming to his friend and yours and the entire students in the school that he was forced into the painful marriage. His popularity and status in the school has blinded them.

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