☘ Fever | ʜᴜᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴋᴀɪ

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➢ Description: In which your boyfriend visits you because you have a fever

➢ Genre: fluff, romance


Rain. The cold icy breeze passing through the half open window, giving the warm room a chill feeling. Though it's refreshing, you sometimes feel too hot. It's unusual, because rain is the your favourite weather. You like how the cold breeze it gave. You like the smell and the sound.

You pulled the blanket pass your waist to cover your upper body. Now, the only thing visible is your head. You shut your eyes tightly as your lower lips trembling. As rain started to more heavier and heavier, your body suddenly getting so hot out of sudden. You don't know why, but you can feel that something went wrong with yourself.

"y/n... Are you in there?" A soft voice behind the close door greeted your ears. You knew it was your mom. Her knuckle still making a contact against the door, gently hitting it.

"yes, mom..." you weakly answer to her. Not until a minute, the door creak open and she popped her head behind it. Worried written all over her face.

"y/n... What happen, huh? You look unwell," she said while walking closer to your frame. She rest her hips at the edge of the bed, and place her palm on top of your forehead to test your temperature. "You having a fever! Oh my god..."

As she was about to raise herself, you hold her wrist to not let her go. You slowly shook your head. "I'm not a kid anymore, mom~ Don't worry," your pale lips create a weak smile. Your mom exhale sharply.

"Aiss! This stubborn kid," She flick your forehead which make you whine. "Okay, fine! I'll let you alone but if your temperature goes up, I won't hesitate to send you to the hospital," she said then she raised herself from the bed. Before she leaves your room, she close the window to not let the cold breeze coming in your room.

"This girl," she shook her head seeing at you already drift to dreamland. She walk out and carefully close the door to not wake you up from your peaceful sleep.


"WHAT?! She having a fever?! Okay, I'll be there!"

He hurriedly tied his shoelaces then ran to the street. Not until an hour, he finally stops
his pace in front of the huge mansion. He steady his breath before pressing the doorbell.

"Oh, Kai! Come in," your mom gesture Kai. He nodded his head before stepping into the house. His eyes scan the whole large living room, trying to find your figure. "She's in her room right now... Go and meet her,"

"Thank you,"

He ran to the upstairs and walk straight to your room. Without giving a sign of him coming over, he carefully open the door and there he saw your sleeping figure on the bed.

He close the door then approach you. He sat by the edge of the table as his eyes scanned over your face. "You stubborn," he gently caresses your smooth cheek with his hand as smiles form on his face.

Because of the gentle caress on your cheek, you slowly open your eyelids and the first thing you saw is, Kai sitting on your bed. You instantly smile at his presence.

"Oppa..." You let out a weak voice. Kai breaths out heavily. "you're coming...." You said.

"I told you that time to not run under the rain, but you stubborn! Now, see what you got! Aiss," he shook his head in disappointment which make you chuckle. Seeing him nagging like your mother pinch your heart.


As you was about to raise from your lay position, suddenly Kai places his hands against your shoulders then gently push you down till your back completely lean against the soft mattress.

"Rest... Get well soon so that we can go on a date as usual," he said.

You stared right into his eyes as he making an eye contact with you. "cuddle?" You suggested. Kai instantly smile at your suggestion.

"Okay! If that what you want, baby!" He pinches your cheek. He crawls next to you and without wasting any time, you get into his open arms, feel the warmth of his body.

"Don't get sick again... I'm worried," he said while caressing your back. Meanwhile, you already smiling to yourself in his embrace. "I love you, y/n,"

"Love you too..."


Don't forget:-

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