☘ It's You | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ | 2 |

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"I'm sorry..."

"He not even stops me," you confessed while pinching each of your finger in anger. Your tears had dried a few hours ago, and you getting tired of crying over Beomgyu. "what a jerk,"

Sua shook her head. She placed a mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table before plopping herself next to you who currently sat on the couch. She pulled her jacket to cover her body from coldness before pushed the mug towards your direction. "drink.... take a sip first and we gonna talk about― who's that guy name? Beomgu? Gyu? Gun?"

"It's Beomgyu... Choi Beomgyu," you quickly replied and Sua nodded her head.

"what happen, huh?" she asked while eyeing you. You put the mug back on the coffee table, then leant backward letting your back rested against the soft couch. Sua furrowed her brows. "Running away without even having a talk with him not going to solve the problem, y/n," Sua sounded disappointed.

"But I just want to keep a distance from him,"

Sua rolled her eyes. "Still. It's consider running away," she said. "Both of you are already mature enough, but still lacking in solving the problem... It would be better if you don't accept his propose if you know that you will end up like this, being a heart broken girl,"

"That's so harsh, unnie,"

"I'm stating the truth," Sua quickly replied, not even going to care that you're getting offended by her words. It maybe better if you reject Beomgyu's propose, but because of him, he made who you are right now. He changed you into a whole different person. From the girl who easily getting scare and an anti-social, he changed you into the bravest one, and changed you completely into the opposite of your personality. In another words, Beomgyu is your light.

"Pack your clothes and go back to his apartment! Stop crying and try to solve the problem instead," she simply ordered you. Sounds like she's desperate to see you leave her house.

Your eyes widen after she finished her words. It was so unexpected to hear that from her mouth. "w-what?! So, you hate it when I'm here?!" you yelled. Sua quickly shook her head, denying your words.

"I didn't mean that," she replied. "Lets say it again... Running away without even having a discussion with him won't solve anything! Don't try to be ego, y/n... Forget about your heart, try to talk to him again and ask for a breakup,"

You hugged the rabbit plushy in your arms tightly, then heaved a out a heavy sigh. "so... you want me to breakup with him?"

Sua flicked your forehead which make you whined. "I didn't force you to having a breakup with him, idiot! But if you want to, I'm not going to say anything," she said between her gritted teeth. "Now, go,"


"Go and meet him or else I will burn your Got7 collection!" she threatened which make you quickly budge from the couch.

"should I call him... or not?"

You stopped your pace by the park located around Sua's apartment. It was already night and the air outside was cold that you had to wore jacket. It embarrassing to go out with a pyjama and a slipper but you had no choice.

You took a sit on the bench then pulled your phone from the pocket of your jacket. Your finger scrolled through the contact list before pressing on his contact. "should I call..." you trailed your words. "...or not?"

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