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Hi guys :")

I know you don't want to read this but I think you should because I want all of you understand for what will or maybe has happen to me.

Good news,
I am finally leaving my life as an author ")

After having a very long hiatus, finally I've made my decision. This is hard for me tho as I had started my first story on 2014 and joining this app on 2018 but lately, I lost my motivation. My passion on writing isn't as strong as when I am still a beginner.

Whatever it is, the most happiest moment I got from this app was when I receive a notification from wattpad and it stated that I got a comment from a reader on this book. I know this isn't something that any author would proud of but as a small and hidden author like me, even a comment or just a vote a day still make my day. If not because of your support, I will not be able to continue this book.

But now I am saying my final goodbye which also means that I am leaving this app forever. I have thinking about this since the past few weeks but my boyfriend had convinced me to not leave my passion but I didn't want to listen to his advice😌

This book, my TXT Imagines will be my first and last published book that I ever had.

I don't know how much will I thank you guys for showing your support on my small success. As much as I want to kiss and hug all of you😭

Anyways, for one final goodbye,
Thank you so much for everything. Till we meet again my dearest reader💕 I will miss all of you😭 And I am extremely sorry for the unfinished previous chapters.

Love yourself and stay gold💛

- taenoshii -

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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