☘ Save Me | ᴄʜᴏɪ ʏᴇᴏɴᴊᴜɴ

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Genre: Angst, Marriage, Romance

"Please save me...."


You whine in pain when your back hardly fall against the hard floor. In front of you, there was Jaehoon standing with a fist as his side lips curled up, smirking. His eyes dangerously scanning over you.

"I told you to wear the dress that I bought for you, THEN WEAR IT!" He yells which make you flinch in fear. Jaehoon had been grown furious over you, and you had no courage to go against him. He was more scarier and aggressive. He's a monster. A monster who took away your mother's trust from you, a monster who pretending to be kind when the truth is he's evil like a devil.

"Get ready now! I'll wait for you downstairs," He walks out from the room, then slammed the door as he express all his anger on it. While you, was leaved alone on the floor as tears slowly trickled down to your cheeks.

You lean against the wall then brought your knees closer to your chest, hugging it tightly as if your knees is the only comfort you have in your life.

You cry as hard as you can, but to be careful not to let your sob echoed throughout the whole room as you don't want Jaehoon to heard you. You don't want him to know that you cry over your depressing marriage life. Yea, let's just say that your marriage life had not been easy. Ever since you got married to Jaehoon, you never felt happiness anymore. You had been crying all day and night, crying over the pain that you suffer in your life. The pain getting even worst when your mother started to lose her trust over you because of her favourite son-in-law Jaehoon. A jerk Ahn Jaehoon that she chose to get married to you when you was 17 years old. Though he's rich, good looking, but your heart never beat for him. Unfortunately.


As you stepping down on the staircase, there you saw Jaehoon standing in the living room, getting ready for the mask dance party.

You breath in deeply before slowly releasing it through your mouth. You walks down the stairs while slightly lift your dress as to not steps over it. Your clicking sound heels grabbing Jaehoon's attention. He who was standing back facing you immediately turns around. His side lips curved up, smiling as his eyes scans your black coloured dress up and down then stops at the purple coloured eye mask that you wearing. Fortunately it's not a same matching colour as he wore a blue colored eye mask.

"You're so beautiful, y/n..." he praises. You goes speechless, feel completely empty with his words. "Let's go or else we'll be late," He simply grabs your wrist and gently pulls you out from the house. His happy face clearly shows that he getting impatient with the gala party that held for rich people only.

Both of you and him went there by his car as he is in charge of driving right now. You clearly heard him talks to his chaperone, saying that the reason why he wants to drive by himself is because he wants to spend his time alone with you.

What a fake!

A kindness that he shows toward you will only last a few minutes. Then he'll turns into a devil one which is a part that you want to escape from him. A part where you yearn for someone's comfort.

While he focus on driving, you secretly took out your phone from your purse and found out there's message was sent for you. You immediately tap on it and read through the whole text messages.

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