Chapter 30

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"Are you guys sure?" Cameron asks for the hundredth time.

"Yes, I think we are as sure as we can ever get," E.J. answers for the both of us, but he knows I feel the same way.

The past two days we have been talking non-stop about our futures and where we would be going from here.

"But I'm going to fucking miss you two!" Cameron cries out. "How could Lady Lalaland continue without her two minions, cheering her up backstage. And in front of the stage off course."

Cameron stand back, leaning into Will a little bit when he says; "I'm going to fucking miss you guys. Is there really no way I can convince you to come with us?"

"You've found your prince," I say with a smile, making Will blush and put his arms around Cameron. "And I have found mine... But we still have a few dragons to slay together before we can have out happily ever after."

"Well then," Cameron says stepping forward and then grabbing me around the neck. "Good luck handsome. And keep my little E.J. safe, you hear?"

It's a whisper only I am supposed to hear.

"I will," I answer, hugging him back. "And send me a postcard when you reach Alaska."

"Will do," Cameron answers as he loosens himself from my neck and then goes to say goodbye to E.J. who immediately reaches out to Cameron for a hug.

"Seriously dude. You did well," Will says as he hugs me tight as well. "Now, keep in contact, and if you need a cowboy to come through with the cavalry, let me know. There's no dragon the four of us cannot face together."

"Thanks Will. And who knows, maybe I will need a cowboy in my life some day," I answer.

"Yee-ha!" Will shouts as he let's go of me and hugs E.J. as well, saying his goodbye.

It takes another five minutes of hugs and goodbye words before Will is in his car and Cameron is in his RV, ready to take the road. But as the drive away and become smaller and smaller down the dark road, I realise that goodbyes sometimes end up being over way too quickly.

"So... What do we do now?" I ask E.J.

"Now we get back to the motel and get ready for dinner. I don't want to miss it," E.J. answer, walking off, leaving me behind to follow him on his quest for answers.


"He's five minutes late already, are you sure he's actually coming?" I ask E.J.

Watching him watch the door the whole time has been driving me nuts for the past twenty minutes. I swear if this guy doesn't show up I will lose it completely. The last thing E.J. needs is someone to lift up his spirit and then allow it to come crashing down to the ground and shatter into pieces, because I have no idea how to pick up those pieces if that were to happen.

"He said he would be here," E.J. says, craning his neck to try and see out of the restaurant window, but to no avail. As instructed we chose a table at the very back, where we could have a bit more privacy.

"Well, can we at least get something to drink in the meantime?" I ask for the third time in a row even though I know what E.J.'s answer is going to be.

"Not yet. Let's just wait. It's not like he's an hour late. It's only been five minutes."

"Yeah, but I've been thirsty for the last twenty," I mumble under my breath, but if E.J. actually heard me he doesn't give me any acknowledgement that he did.

"There he is," E.J. says, his face suddenly sprouting a smile, his hand going up into the air and waving.

"Okay. No weird questions, okay?" E.J. says again.

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