Chapter 14

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The frost crunches beneath my feet as I get out of the bus, my bag and the two sleeping bags that I bought at the camping place in New York over my shoulder, and I am starting to regret leaving the metal jungle for this remote space with all its snow.

"And you want to sleep under the stars in this weather?" E.J. says almost as if he could hear my thoughts, his teeth chattering on each other.

"Yeah, maybe not such a good idea," I mutter as the bus pulls away behind us, making the sludge of snow spill over my feet.

"And the bus is gone," E.J says as he swings his bag over his shoulder and starts walking down the street. "Now there is no way we are getting out of this one horse town until tomorrow."

"There's a caravan park just up the road. A resort or something. Maybe we can get like a room," I answer as I start tracking behind E.J. wishing that it really was the city and that we could hail a cab to take us to where we want to be.

"Yeah, or a motel, although I doubt this place has one. A bed and breakfast maybe, but this seems like the type of town that would be 'full' when a punk rocker kid and his sidekick with the plastic mask were to show up."

I chew on E.J.'s words for a moment, imagining a frail old lady opening the door and then again shutting it quickly when she seems an unlikely pair standing outside. It would be hilarious if it wasn't this cold and we needed a room so badly.

"Did you just call me your sidekick?" I ask.

"Yeah, my sidekick. Let's be honest, I'm here saving your ass from yourself. I should be making all the decisions. I mean, look at where you got us," E.J. says but his smile makes the comment light and I know he doesn't really mean it.

"Let's just head for the resort," I say bringing out my phone and turning on the GPS for some directions. "It looks like another two miles to the closest resort, but on their review it says they have a restaurant there and I'm starving."

"Then we better start moving before we freeze in this spot," E.J. says, picking up the pace, making me almost run after him with my frozen, wet feet.

For over an hour we walk, not saying a word to each other, shifting our bags from one shoulder to the other, and then back, our teeth clattering, the only sound heard between us, until we finally get to the entrance of the resort.

"Now this looks cosy," I say, making E.J. snort at the sign that has seen better days with its peeling paint and lost letters.

"Anything would look cosy right about now, and I need a warm bath," E.J. answers with a frown, making me take him by the arm and march him into the door where the sign for reception is located.

"Oh dears!" a woman shrieks as we walk in the door, making the bell above the door ring almost as loud as her voice. "You two are frozen solid! Did you walk here all the way from the North Pole?!"

She chuckles at her own joke, making me put pressure on E.J's arm to keep him from telling her off.

"We're just looking for a room for a few nights," I say to the woman. "We just got in from New York."

"And what are you doing on this side of the world? And in this weather?" she asks as she walks around the counter.

"Why not ask for our lives stories?" E.J. whispers, making me take his hand and squeezing it tightly before we need to walk further for accommodation.

"Just on a road trip ma'am. On my way to visit my grandmother," I answer the first acceptable thing I think she might understand.

"Aww, well that's so cute. And I have some good news. We have another tenant here you might know," she says, making E.J's eyes widen. She bends over the counter and adds in a whisper; "He's also gay. Name is Cameron."

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