Chapter 39

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The sun floods the bedroom, bringing with it a sense of hope I do not want to see or feel near me.

"Close it!" I shout from underneath the covers. "I told you I'm not ready to face the world Cameron!"

I feel Albert moving next to me, trying to get out from underneath the covers, but I grab him and press him against my chest, as if I am protecting him from bursting into flames if the sun were to reach him.

"It ain't Cameron sugar. And you can't stay in here until the cows come home. It's time to get up," the sweet voice says, and I feel the indent on the bed as Grace takes her seat next to me.

Cameron was right. Grace was anything but a snob. She might look like Naomi Campbell from the early 90's, but she came from humble beginnings. Her grandmother was a maid on this very farm, and her great-grandmama was a house slave. She was brought up on this farm, and after generations of horrible disgraces against her family, she now single handedly runs the entire farm since Will's father had his second heart attack.

I peek out from underneath the covers. Albert takes this as his chance to get away from me, and runs over the bed to greet Grace with lots of kisses, which she returns with enthusiasm.

"Your familiar is a very gentle soul. You should take care of him by getting out of that bed. You know, the chickens are already in the coop. There's nothin' you can do about the situation right now, so best get up and face the world," Grace says with a sweet smile as she scratches Albert between the ears, which makes him give soft little whines.

"I'm not ready to face the world. E.J. thinks I am the worst person ever," I answer, wanting to pull the covers back over my head again.

"The peach trees are starting to bloom, and I am not going to wave my pom-poms for you stayin' in bed. It's been over a month. You barely leave the bed. Ya'll are actually being very rude house guests. And I like seein' Albert every now and again," she answers. "So now is the time to get up. You know, my grandmama always said you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and at this point you need some flies in your ointment."

"You do know I barely understand what you're saying?" I ask Grace. Sure, I love her Southern drawl, and her quirky sayings, but most of the time it leaps over my head.

"All I was tryin' to say to ya'll is that I won't throw you a party for layin' in bed. And you need some damn friends. And you ain't gonna get friends by bein' a sourpuss. You need to put a little honey out, and you will see, sweetness will bring you lots of friends," she says with another gentle smile. "Now, I want you to get out of bed. The family is finally here. The weddin' is around the corner, and you haven't even met William Snr yet. And ya'll better be thankful to him. This is his roof you are sleeping under."

What she says hits me with a pound of guilt. Ever since my phone call with E.J. I haven't been getting out of bed at all. I haven't even met my host. Sure, he only dines with the family once a week, since he's a bit weak after his second heart attack. Will has come for dinner with Cameron and me most nights and told me all about his father, and how he married young Grace who was working in the house at the time he had his heart attack. Their story is one for the story books. Apparently William Snr was working his ass off in trying to keep the farm running for years. Grace's mother was his right hand, making sure the kids and the house was perfectly looked over while William Snr was out in the fields, making sure everything ran smoothly. When Grace's mother passed away, Grace stepped into her mother's shoes, but before long she fell in love with her boss. It took him almost dying to admit that he was in love with her as well. The rest as they say is history.

"I'm just not ready to face the world," I repeat to Grace, really just wanting to remain in bed licking my wounds.

"No sugar, no. What if I stayed in bed feelin' sorry for myself every time somethin' bad happened to me. Then I would not be the Madame Madison that I am now. Sometimes bad things happen in life and ya'll have a choice. You can choose to stay on the ground, or you can get up and make the most of it. Cameron told me what happened to you. Give it time. A lie can only run so fast. In time the truth will outrun it and you will come out on top," Grace says, and this time she reaches over and pulls the covers off me, exposing my naked torso. "Now get up. Stop bein' silly. You are pretty as a peach on the outside. Now show that you are pretty on the inside as well."

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