Author's Note

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It's raining outside at the moment. Fairly hard. And I have just finished writing and posting the epilogue on this story.

I remember when I wrote "Behind Drawn Curtains" that I was in emotional turmoil for most of it. I was depressed and grumpy having to revisist certain memories that I worked into the story, hiding the truth of my past in plain sight for all to see. It wasn't easy at all. Because of that I decided that "Behind Drawn Curtains" would be a standalone. And even though I loved the idea of Brody, and I had all these characters still living in my head, I didn't want to revisit what E.J. and I have been through.

Obviously I am not very good at keeping my word.

In 2019 I finally decided after years of contemplation to come back and write "Behind The Mask" because Brody just didn't want to leave me alone. He had a story I really wanted to tell. I wanted you all to meet Will and Cameron, and even Grace who already took form in my head and lived in little notes scribbled in old journals.

It took me three years to complete this story. Three years of getting sidetracked with other projects, work, putting my kid and my dogs first, being cheated on, going through a painful breakup, working long hours to put food on the table, finding my independence, finding myself, struggling through lockdowns and pandemics, listening to horribly sad stories, making new friends, fighting battles, losing friends and family to life and death... It's been a rollercoaster to say the least. 

I am proud of this story. Probably the most proud I have ever felt about something I had written, because honestly, I didn't think I would ever finish it. There was just too much happening to really focus on it, and with the emotions that lays beneath the surface of this story, I wasn't sure when and if I would return. 

But then came a new year, and I wanted to tie up this one string before continuing into a new year with new prospects, opportunities, and ideas. 

I want to thank each and every person who has stood by me, Brody, E.J., Will, Cameron, and all the others as I wrote this book. For continuing to read, and support, and vote, and especially all the comments and DM's asking when the next chapter would come out. I appreciate it so much. If it wasn't for all of that, I think I would still be writing on this story by the end of next year. It's thanks to all of you that the story ended up being the wonderful story I think it is now. 

But... And this is not yet a promise, but it is a very possible prospect... There is a third book planned up to the very end. One last one. It's titled "Behind Closed Doors" and I am really excited about the idea of someday coming back, picking up these characters, and finally sharing with everyone what becomes of Chris, Grace, Will, and even Brody and E.J. Unfortunately it will not be the next story that I work on, since it needs to take a backseat for the moment so that I can focus on one or two other unresolved projects. So, it won't be in 2023, but my hope is that in 2024 I can come back and start making work of it. 

So this is not the end... We're not stopping here, but it might take a while before we do get to the end, which I do promise will be the last story about E.J. 

Once again, I thank every single reader. You guys have kept me going ever step of the way. I would have never been able to do it if it wasn't for each and every one of you. 

I send all my love to each of you, and I wish you a happy 2023 in which all your wishes will come true.

All my love, 

C.A. Kerst

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