Chapter 34

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It had been two nights since Chris hadn't come home, and although I was grateful that I had a break from his drinking, and talking about E.J. I was also kinda worried that something bad might have happened to him.

"Yes E.J. Two days already. If he doesn't come home tonight, it will make it three," I speak into the phone while I make Chris' bed. In the last two days I have been so bored, and hoping to show some appreciation I have cleaned the apartment, did the laundry, and even somehow got the crustiness out of Chris' bedding so that he can have some fresh linen for a change.

"I'm sure he will be back soon. I've texted him and he read my messages, which at least means he's alive," E.J. sighs on the other side.

I can hear the frustration in his voice. It has been more than a week since we have seen each other. More than a week where I wasn't able to touch his hand, or hold him in my arms, or even stare into his sad and soulful eyes.

"I really am worried about him. He drinks until he passes out every single night. I have no idea how he does it. I can't believe he is still alive. I mean, how does he even get all the damn beer? He's not even legal yet," I murmur the same thing into the phone that I have speculated about every single day. "I mean, Chris isn't a bad guy, and let's be honest, he looks like a Calvin Klein model or something. He can do so much better than this."

"It's his life Brody," E.J. gives another sigh.

"Yeah, it might be his life, but we should seriously at least try to help him," I answer.

"You can't save the whole world," E.J. answers. "And you don't know Chris the way I do. If you try to help him, it will just make things worse in the end. Believe me. I've literally known him all my life. And he will get over this, as soon as he wants to, and not a moment earlier."

We chat a little bit further before I end the call in a lot of frustration.

I've never been Chris' biggest fan. Hell, I will be honest enough to say I don't like him at all. Or maybe, I didn't like all the things I have heard about him, but seeing him every single day, seeing his self-destructive nature and the way he is slowly trying to kill himself breaks my heart. I can't understand why someone like Chris will just throw everything away when he has so much potential, and obviously so much love to give.

"I might not be able to save the world, but I can at least try to save one person," I say out loud as I plump up the last pillow before turning and looking around the apartment to see what I have done.

The dirty marks on the kitchen cupboards are long gone, as are the dirty dishes and the mold I found at the bottom of two pots. The carpets are clean, the bathroom is sparkling, and above all - the ugly pink couch now has a light blue throw and a few throw pillows, covering it completely and making it look like a brand new piece of furniture. Even the air in the apartment smells better after I managed to get the one window that seemed to be glued shut with grime open, and the air freshener I had gotten the previous day at the shop. Sure, it's no Buckingham Palace, but at least it feels a little bit more like a home, and a little bit less than the back room of a seedy adult bookstore.

The buzzing of my phone makes me pull it out and look at the Instagram notification.

I can't help but smile when I look at yet another picture; probably the millionth time this week, of Cameron and Will embraced in each other's arms. Only this time...

"Answer... Answer..." I mutter as the phone rings on the other side. Sure, I could have texted, but some things are worth making a phone call.

"I thought you said you were gonna take a shower?" E.J. asks as he picks up the phone.

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