Chapter 1

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A/N: And there I got so excited that I just could not wait until the 1st of April to release the first chapter on "Behind The Mask"! Hope you all enjoy seeing some familiar faces and reading some old names! I can honestly say I can't stop writing on this. I wrote 3 chapters today alone! Can't believe it is going so well. If I keep the pace I could probably have this done by the end of April. All the planning has been done and I can't wait to show you Brody's side of the story, as well as show you that in his own way E.J. was okay after what happened in "Behind Drawn Curtains".

Everyone dreams of doing things. Impossible things. Things that you know you will probably never do or see in your life. Making you just so much more depressed when you are thinking about death, since thinking about death means taking inventory of the things you never got to do and will never get to do in your life.

I have a bucket list too. I guess everyone does, whether they call it a bucket list or not. Things they want to do. Places they want to see, before the inevitable happens. I'm no different. I dream just as hard as any other guy my age.

I take a good hard look at the piece of paper stuck to the wall with a thumb nail. I guess I shouldn't have stuck it in that way. It ruins the wallpaper and there is no way that my foster dad will thank me for it once he realises I'm gone and left him a hole to repair. Not that it really matters. Not much matters at this stage in any case. All that matters is the list and the things I need to do before I die.

I read through the list once more. Trying to commit every item to memory. In order preferably. The list is short, and half of it is probably stupid, but those are the things I truly want to do before I die.

1. Love someone.

Weird one hey? This doesn't mean love someone as in a relationship. I just want to actually feel like I love someone again. Someone that loves me back. Not some foster mother or father. Not some blonde cheerleader. I want something real. I don't care if it's just someone I can love like a brother or sister. I just want to feel the type of love again I had for my mother before she died.

2. Kiss in the rain.

Cliché right? Yeah... Maybe I am a bit of a romantic in my own way. I know I probably won't really love the person. I might be in love, or at least be in hormones. But I've watched The Notebook a million times and that's the one scene I would have loved to recreate. I want to kiss someone in the rain.

3. Sleep in a field.

So, who would rather sleep in a field, rather than a hotel? Me. Why? I want to fall asleep staring at the skies and making up my own constellations. Also this number adds on to my next point on the list.

4. Go on a road trip.

Which might be a little bit difficult. I have never driven a car in my life, and I don't have any driving lessons scheduled in the foreseeable future.

5. Stand on the edge of the world, looking at everything all at once.

I have no idea how I will do this. I don't even know what it means, but I've put it onto the list, hoping that when the moment is right I will know.

6. Have my fortune read and then tell the person they were dead wrong.

Because obviously they'd be. They can't have an idea what I am really planning, and if someone can read your future, it means that you have a future. I don't have one.

7. Adopt a dog.

An old one will be better. Maybe we will end up dying together. Maybe he or she will keep on living with a new family once I'm gone. But I need to at least save one animal on my way.

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