Vincenzo: Episode 6

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The trial begins, and both sides put everything on the line to win. Our underdog team's unexpected antics may buy them some time, but Wusang is a practiced hand when it comes to playing dirty. Our leads will have to stay on their toes in order to best Wusang and take down Babel whose real chairman is getting tired of their interference.


Inside the courthouse, Yeon-jin "accidentally" runs into the judge and spills water all over him. Attorney Han and Myung-hee are acquainted with the judge and chat with him before the trial. He good-naturedly complains about always cleaning up after Babel and assures them this trial won't be a problem for them.

Everyone gathers in the courtroom – which is having a water leak problem – and from the gallery, Vincenzo watches Cha-young nervously gulp water. The tenants declare that they'll refuse to rise for the judge out of principle ... and stand immediately when he enters. Judge Heo slips spectacularly and lands flat on his back thanks to the plastic covering the floor because of the water leak.

After Judge Heo is helped to his seat, the trial begins. Myung-hee argues the fault lies with the plaintiffs for failing to follow safety protocol. Cha-young struggles to make her remarks and asks to take medication for her recent anxiety disorder. And then she collapses. Joon-woo hops up in concern while Myung-hee and Attorney Han scoff.

Of course, this is all part of Vincenzo's strategy. But rather than postpone the trial, Judge Heo orders that they'll resume after a doctor examines Cha-young. Since Plan A didn't work, Cha-young hops up as Vincenzo advised her – startling Joon-woo who'd been crouching beside her – and they move to Plan B: a power outage facilitated by Young-woon.

The tenants protest that those in the gallery can't hear properly if the mics aren't working, and Cha-young asserts that they can't proceed without a stenographer. Judge Heo orders the stenographer to get her laptop so the trial can recommence.

Vincenzo gives Cha-young a thumbs up, and they move onto Plan C: chaos. Cha-young starts her rebuttal, giving the signal. Cheol-wook opens his coat and releases HORNETS. Yes, he was hiding hornets in his coat. *Shudders*

Everyone hears the buzzing and starts panicking which only gets worse when Hee-soo loudly announces that they're deadly hornets. Everyone clamors to get out (to a remix of "Flight of the Bumblebee") but Myung-hee refuses to budge and stares in disbelief at Vincenzo's smug face.

Vincenzo had gotten the idea when Cheol-wook brought them a hornet drink (don't even want to know what that is) his father made. In a two-part plan, Cheol-wook and Yeon-jin had smuggled in the unconscious hornets, and then Yeon-jin had spilt honey water all over the judge earlier. Oh, no. Unfortunately, Cheol-wook got some honey water on his pants, so Judge Heo isn't the only one stung.

When Judge Heo returns to his seat after the chaos, half of his face is swollen. He can barely open his mouth enough to announce the trial is adjourned for a week, and then he passes out. Cha-young gives a jaunty wave to Joon-woo and a glare to Attorney Han before sauntering out with Vincenzo.

Outside, Myung-hee chastises Cha-young for making a mockery of the law which Cha-young thinks is rich coming from her. Cha-young takes offense to Myung-hee's accusation that she's playing the justice warrior; Cha-young only wants to take down Babel and Wusang for being despicable.

Cha-young joins Vincenzo and Joo-sung, and they smile and wave to the exuberant tenants. Cha-young laughs about the hypocrisy of Myung-hee who she nicknames "Zumoogi," a Zumba dancing imoogi (legendary serpent). Pfft. She wants to go for lunch, but Vincenzo claims he has somewhere to be.

Wusang can't believe they were beaten by such ridiculous tactics when they're the experts in playing dirty. Attorney Han takes his anger out on Joon-woo while Myung-hee opens a window and screams hers out.

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