Vincenzo: Episode 8

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When Jipuragi learns that Babel intends to join hands with a prominent bank with its own history of trampling on whoever gets in their way, our unconventional lawyers decide to get in their way. This time, it's our eccentric heroine who comes up with a daring scheme that relies on our lead's charm and ability to swindle. If they can pull this off, they'll not only deal another major blow to Babel, but they'll also revel in some personal revenge.


After the fight, everyone is taken down to the police station where CEO Park and his men whine behind bars about how the tenants started it. Everyone's looking pretty rough, but Monk Chaeshin wins for having a perfect shoe imprint on his shiny bald head.

Cha-young cuts in amongst all the yelling – Vincenzo has been delegated as her purse holder – and explains the situation. To prove the tenants were acting in self-defense, Young-ho plays the video he recorded.

They have a celebratory dinner and lament not taking on CEO Park earlier, patting themselves on the back for their superior fighting skills. The tenants all thank Vincenzo for helping them find their confidence and fighting spirit.

Team Leader Ahn watches Vincenzo and credits him with inspiring everyone through his strength and leadership. His idealism reaches a peak when he has the epiphany, "Vincenzo isn't a mafioso; he's Che Guevara."

Elsewhere, Attorney Han and Myung-hee meet with Chief Prosecutor Hwang and his sidekick. Myung-hee struggles to contain her anger when Chief Prosecutor Hwang lords his "favor" over her head and tells her to handle his colleague's reputation issue.

That night, Vincenzo walks Cha-young home. She's brimming with questions about Vincenzo's Mafia life, so he reluctantly answers two of them. He explains that working for the Mafia was just business and that the Mafia doesn't have a problem killing people when necessary.

Before they part ways, Cha-young thanks him for springing her out of jail. Vincenzo reminds her she's dealing with a Mafia member – favors must be returned.

The following day, while the tenants are interviewed for a news program, Joon-woo berates Myung-hee for needing Vincenzo's help to secure Chief Prosecutor Hwang. Myung-hee blows up that she's not used to losing either and is only putting up with Joon-woo's abuse so she can take down Vincenzo and quit with dignity. Myung-hee yells at Joon-woo that she'll win no matter what, using her methods he demeans.

Joon-woo is delighted by her fighting spirit and notes that he needs a demon not a lawyer. He ignores Attorney Han's desperate attempts to be a part of the gang and tells Myung-hee to keep the prosecution under control. He also orders them to secure more funding seeing as Geumga Plaza blew up in their faces.

Myung-hee and Joon-woo meet with Cha-young and Vincenzo to negotiate terms of the settlement. Joon-woo plays his excitable puppy role and subtly indicates to Myung-hee that Babel is okay with the settlement.

Vincenzo assures them that they have no reason to come after Babel anymore. Why poke holes into a sinking ship? Vincenzo and Cha-young's smugness gets to Joon-woo, but since he can't show it, he just curses Vincenzo out in English in his notes. (Does it really count as cursing him out if the profanity is censored?)

Meanwhile, a few Babel directors nervously report their failure to Chairman Jang on the ice hockey rink. Perpetrating the same abuse his brother enacted towards him, Chairman Jang viciously shoots a puck at each of them before announcing they're fired.

In his car, he excitedly opens the item he ordered: a handgun. Chairman Jang apparently has had quite the day of doling out punishment. We catch up with CEO Park and his crew who are locked in a freezer for the Geumga Plaza mess.

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